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Posts posted by girlsfun2

  1. 11 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    Martina seemed so happy and joyful leaving the apartment to walk the dog. A three hour dog walk, wow, Taco must have really needed to go. 😏

    And we have to admit it, Taco is the only one who knows exactly what's going on.... and a dog is always faithful to his mistress and even under interrogation, Taco will never confess...

    • Haha 1
  2. 4 hours ago, chuck206 said:

    Damn you!   I read Deepdave,s comment followed by yours and fell out of by chair laughing. 😂

    And in case of 'emergency', Martina can make some calls at the beginning of the night and put on 'appropriate' clothes and go out for the night and come back in the morning....she has done it often, right, it's crazy Yes ! ! :tongue: 

    And in the morning, Martina will probably be a little drunk or drugged but she will be satisfied....:smile:

  3. 2 hours ago, Deepdave said:

    All good ladies take things into their own hands.  As Adalbert says Leora, but so does Nelly and Holly and and Carla and Masha.

     It's like the old days, when kids were supposed to clean their plates at every meal...nowadays, women sometimes have a little more to do to finish there plates. In Martina's case, the bar is set high to finish her plates...:tongue:

  4. Taking shower together and the usual private talk in the war room.

    Something strange, if me and my boyfriend take a shower together (which we often do on vacation in luxurious bathrooms), I'm sure that my boyfriend will want to do much more than take a shower, he can't resist even if he's tired or in an 'altered' state...And much fun... 

    Maybe Martina and Alberto are too used to their 'regular' bathroom.... 


    • Haha 1
  5. 6 hours ago, berty_47 said:

    Thank you for your additions.
    General: the white lace top is not new, she has worn it several times. She washed it the night before, so she had already planned to go out on Sunday.

    I'm missing a comment on the scene: 7:20 Martina furiously throws her socks in Albert's face. That wasn't funny at all.

    But the crucial question is: Where was Martina for eight hours? You suggest Martina was playing bingo. Do you have any clues or is this just speculation? Or was it a sarcastic comment? In Germany bingo is mostly played by old and very old people. Young people play something completely different if you know what I mean.

    One further amendment: Martina really worked hard for her school and I admire her for that. How can she go out until 3 am knowing she has to go to school Monday morning? Very bad omens...

    Yes, she play bingo for all night long....and win a lot of money....that's how she was able to lend a lot of money to Alberto in the past 🤣

  6. 7 hours ago, philo said:

    Some people spend all their time being where they are supposed to be. Martina spends much her time being where ever she wants to be. It's her decision to make and I think she is making the right decision. I just wish the fuck that she was doing it so the people who pay for it could see it. 

    I hope that she protects herself from catching diseases that she could pass on to Alberto, perhaps this is the explanation for the recent use of condoms with Alberto, which means that Alberto is aware of the risk that Martina puts him at?

    • Like 2
  7. 3 hours ago, berty_47 said:

    It's strange what is being discussed here and then see the reality.
    September 11, 2022: Martina really wanted to go out, Alberto didn't want that.
    Result as always: 5:0 for Martina:

    13:24 Ma conducts a COVID-19 self-test. Result negative, immediately call someone to tell, then goes into the bathroom and makes a phone call from there (because conversation without audio is possible).
    13:35 Alberto comes into the bathroom, now she told him the result of the test. Great joy.
    16:22 Great discussion begins about her evening.
    16:24 Ma yells around, howling voice
    16:26 Martina is sitting frustrated in the living room, arguing in the bathroom
    16:36 Both take Taco for a walk
    17:19 both back
    17:20 Ma furiously throws her socks in Albert's face
    17:25 funny scene in sleeping room, Ma naked
    17:27 Ma takes a shower
    18:10 Sleeping room: Alberto lies on the bed and watches Ma dressing sexy to go out
    18:47 Ma leaves the apartment, Alberto accompanies her to the apartment door and waves after her.
    A real idiot.

    3:00 Ma comes home after eight hours,  drunk and/or stoned. Goes into the living room, no pants and no panties. (she may have undressed as soon as she entered the bathroom)
    3:07 Ma goes to bed to Alberto
    4:20 Ma goes to the guest room
    7:20 Ma takes a shower, is very tired, yawns non-stop
    7:25 comes out of the shower, goes into the bedroom and first has to sit down on the bed due to physical problems.
    7:56 Walk with Taco
    8:32 back with taco
    8:34 Preparation for school
    8:36 Ma went to school  (totally exhausted and tired, good luck in school)

    And again the question: what did she do in these eight hours?

    Hi @berty_47,

    You do a very great job because it rare that somebody can give reports of what is happening, it really help to understand more a complex situation.

    Answer to your question: one thing for sure for Martina, it not only dance, drink, talk and look at the moon....  

  8. 2 hours ago, daerjohn2015 said:

    Sex, drugs en rock en roll?

    well, it's one for the money two for the show
    Three to get ready now go, cat, go.....

    Well, you can knock me down, step in my face
    Slander my name all over the place
    Do anything that you want to do
    But uh-uh honey, lay off AND LET ME  GO OUT AND HAVE SOME FUN  (drink, smoke and fuck)

    with a little change to the lyrics at the end ...😋

    • Haha 1
  9. Martina went out, did not appear anywhere but she is surely with someone she loves very much. 
    This reminds me of some lyrics of the song Blue Hawai change to Blue Barcelona.
    Martina looks into the eyes of this person and says:

    Night and you
    And blue Barcelona
    The night is heavenly
    And you are heaven to me

    Lovely you
    And blue Barcelona
    With all this loveliness
    There should be love

    Come with me
    While the moon is on the sea
    The night is young
    And so are we, so are we

    Dreams come true
    In blue Barcelona
    And mine could all come true
    This magic night of nights with you

    Big kiss, tender touch, sweet dream.....


    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 23 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    I tried hard, many times, but since your posts are without any content I have to admit that I failed. But not a problem for me since I miss nothing. Can you catch it or do I have to wtite it in easier sentences?🤔

    Sure we all know that some women like to repeat themselves over and over again to make themselves important, so you're in good company. Hope your friends, if you have some, are capable of suffering. 😂

    Deer Deep,

    Oh ! My little boy, making comments like that about woman in 2022 is really not a winner. There's a rule of law that says: "never try to incriminate yourself". A rule that's not too hard to understand for 99.9% of the world. 

    Once again, let's go back to Martina and by the way, if you don't knowMartina is a woman and she has a free spirit like me....

    • Sad 1
  11. Martina, a few hours ago, was watching a tv program.  She was crying and laughing only minutes apart, very weird. She even clapped at one point (approved of what she had just heard). The TV show was an interview with a woman and Martina was very attentive.

    By the way, I don't know Alberta has a oil change today (no relation with the tv program 😜)

    • Sad 1
  12. 12 hours ago, Adalbert said:

    No problem, funny thst GF2 bleame us about not giving facts and has in non of her posts ever given any fact. So everybody here can decide by him/ herself how to interpret such childish posts.  🤷‍♂️ I give a shit on what she posts here since it is always the same blabla. 😴😁 If someone has to use the word fun so often the she/he has for sure no fun at all😂

    Strange the way you think, you are really in your 'world' no matter what is going on around you. You are not able to understand simple sentences, that's serious.
    Unfortunately, this is the lot of many people in society today. A piece of advice, get treated, I'm serious here, no LOL. 
    Unfortunately, you will not be able to understand what I just wrote but we will let you live in your world but stay wisely in your corner. 

    P.S. Since you are the same person, I will copy and paste the same text, I'm a nice person to help you.

    • Sad 1
  13. 14 hours ago, Deepdave said:

    It’s too bad your responses are unintelligible.  All you seem capable of of saying’s is calling us insulting names.  And all Adalbert was trying to do was telling you that Martina was starting school again tomorrow.  You do not need to throw further bad comments for no reason.  If we are wrong you can insult us but Martina went to bed early tonight because she needs to get up early tomorrow (for school).

    Strange the way you think, you are really in your 'world' no matter what is going on around you. You are not able to understand simple sentences, that's serious.
    Unfortunately, this is the lot of many people in society today. A piece of advice, get treated, I'm serious here, no LOL. 
    Unfortunately, you will not be able to understand what I just wrote but we will let you live in your world but stay wisely in your corner. 

    P.S. Since you are the same person, I will copy and paste the same text, I'm a nice person to help you.:wink:



    • Haha 1
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  14. 1 hour ago, Adalbert said:

    Secrete and even when I tell you, you will not understand it.



    🤗 congratulation something new but sorry you just did it again, repeats over and over again. You just can't get out of your skin....🤣

    So no facts ! Here in the forum, we stand on facts so you have no fact...let call Deep...he know nothing, he write...LOL why do I choose your name Dumb and Dumber, do you, at least, catch this one ? 

    P.S I was sure that I was writing to Deep but at the end, you are the same person...Funny Yes ! LOL . Let check the reaction of Deep, he will be you...do you catch it ?

    • Confused 1
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  15. 16 hours ago, Deepdave said:

    Jenn, you have misunderstood me.  I am not a hero.  I am giving you my opinion.  Everyone seems to enjoy pulling my opinion apart.  So be it.  I get some information from a translator and you think that I am pretending to be God.  No . I am not God.  Thank God.  I do like Alberto and Martina and do what I can to persuade.  But if you don’t agree, don’t call me names.  Just tell me your opinion.  I will tell you mine.  End of story. 




    Ara és trist, sempre caus, trist.

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