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Everything posted by legrandrobert

  1. They do the show, they get compllaints.................they do Nothing they get complaints.............what do you really want ??........................
  2. R and R No kissing or hugging after orgasm that is the proof that everything was fake.
  3. who really goes in the tub wearing a bathrobe ??,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  4. For me, it's the first time that I saw them, and I can say Nita surelooks BORING !!
  5. I want the last piece of pizza, I'm hungry and horny for Leona !!..................
  6. Angelika= black hair Victoria= red shirt Leona= redhair ita= small one ?? is that right ??
  7. Good for her but the other 2 did not ?? Is that why they are frustated and locked in their room ??.....................
  8. What went wrong ?? I come back and Regina and Sher both in their room door closed ??
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