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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I think there will be no party like Gina's 1y party. Gina is miles away when it comes to organizing and hosting a party
  2. Let's see if Tata stays longer tonight. Last time she left soon to b5 with Olivia and Ulyana
  3. Nor Kristy, Alana and Agneta. Or maybe they were but just aren't going
  4. Dani giving bottles from the fridge to Olivia and Ulyana with instructions
  5. Radi not in the mood for the party. Wearing her robe and eating on her own
  6. Me too. It would be a good opportunity for them to meet each other. But she probably must still be recovering from yesterday
  7. I don't believe Agneta is coming. She went to sleep. Nor Kristy and Alana I belive are coming
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