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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Kylie and Viola napping. They must have had a pretty intense morning strolling and shopping
  2. I can see from the bag that they went to a newyorker store to buy clothes
  3. This is not normal from them. They woke up very early at 8:30 am after yesterday's show and they were out for 6 almost 7 hours. Something more than that happened most certainly. Or maybe they just heard about the reopening of services and went to do more stuff and buy something more
  4. OK, this is weird. They woke up super early, which is not normal, went out, and still not back yet. Something's happening 🤔
  5. 09h29 And they're going out. P1 - empty. And they never go out early in the morning like this, all three
  6. Already awake at 08:30 am with some energy, eating pizza and listening to music, after a long intense show. Very unusual, they always wake up between 10 and 11 am slowly 🤔
  7. I won't judge their choice. Since Kylie is Rus' gf, she may just want to have a clean relationship with him and not want Viola involved, even if just for the shows, even though they are friends. And she still gets next to them has pleasure bating
  8. I wouldn't think that way. It may just be their choice since she's her gf, and Viola still has pleasure bating
  9. Well, appart from all the crap they did, in the end it was a good night. And I'm glad Kylie and Viola didn't throw up
  10. Show's over, all to sleep. And they left the big lamp there
  11. She still stayed bating alone while they came to the balcony 😆
  12. Maybe they don't want it to be a real threesome. Not saying it's good or bad, it's their choice. But Viola also had pleasure
  13. Computer shut down. Kylie having some orgasms, and Viola bating
  14. Well, they're going crazy tonight (in a good sense, appart from doing crap). And how do you know that, are you a premium member?
  15. Well, but that shouldn't be an excuse for doing crap and fucking up stuff. They have better, and still interesting ways of having fun without wasting food or destroying home material. And I'm not saying Kylie is any mother figure, but sometimes she acts like it, and other times like this she's just crazy and immature to the point of not measuring the consequences of her and their actions. What I'm pretty much just saying is that if she acts like a mother figure in certain situations, then in this ones, in which she knows they don't have much control because of being under the effect of alcohol, she should also have that maturity (well, they all should have actually)
  16. This is why I say Kylie has some immaturity. Sometimes she acts like an adult and as Viola's mother, but then in this kinds of situations and when she drinks untill throwing up she is a complete immature kid. And they have no control and maturity over themselves to know when and where to stop. They can have fun without doing crap
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