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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Viola did her nails and her hair, put on makeup and a dress, and she's putting perfume too. Kylie also did her hair and put makeup on
  2. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/04/20/czech-president-calls-borders-shut-year-protect-against-coronavirus/
  3. Well, the president Miloš Zeman said that the borders should be closed for 1 year, so, I think they may remain there for more time
  4. Rus scaring Kylie with an insect he just found in the bedroom
  5. They dropped a cup with something on Viola's sheet and changed it
  6. Both naked on the couch watching something on Kylie's phone
  7. Kylie and Viola running a bubble bath together, by candlelight and also with the table lamp
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