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Everything posted by costa049

  1. I don't know if it's that because she's been laughing with them. It must have been something that she or Kylie did or said
  2. She's been but something happened now that made her argue with Viola
  3. Kylie and Viola arguing. Viola left the living room still arguing
  4. Not shure, just assuming because I also got it to run once in an apple device. But I doubt
  5. Thank you .But you can still access it and whatch since it runs in html5. Just be aware of data consumption 😉
  6. Thank you. I just want to chill out here and comment and see what people are saying, without violating the rules 😉
  7. I'm just informing, and no one ever complained, but if you don't like I can stop. Just chill out 😉
  8. Yep, but I just liked to share because I found it iteresting. The site and their servers are not well optimized and the js execution is slow and full of issues in the code, resulting in the isues we constantly experience and they just don't care. And their answer is either saying the problems are on our side, or fixing the issues one by one temporarly, instead of just speeding up the js and their servers, and fixing the entire code
  9. I didn't know that they have a table lamp. Or did they just buy it?
  10. @Noldus @StnCld316 I've been looking at the console, for curiosity, and I've noticed verbose warnings (or violation as it's called, such as long running javascript task took x ms) from time to time, which indicates that the site is not very well optimized (from what I read), resulting in the performance drops we experience for example (such as the loading issues, the lagging or freezing, the wrong camera selection, etc). And I'm not any programming expert
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