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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Zabava continues deep cleaning and dancing.
  2. I think he said precisely the opposite. But he can correct me if I'm wrong.
  3. Marlene and Zabava very amused and laughing.
  4. Last night was an unfortune, and Marlene even gave everything from her after all. Hope she has more luck next time.
  5. Almost everything true. I would only change this to "She pleases us".
  6. And still no signs of Esmi. She didn't even sleep home (the only one).
  7. Esmi home alone. She could take her pants off 😋
  8. This is funny, because you are the one who's constantly giving shitty arguments. And more funny that you apologize for the fact that I MIGHT eventually feel offended, when you insult people here a lot, mainly telling them to fuck off and so on when they show you a valid argument that goes against your thoughts. You should reflect a bit with what you say to others. And I'm also nice when people are nice. But let's just not keep with this endless toxicity. 😉
  9. Me neither. Just the way things happened, and him staying that short and leaving that way.
  10. I also thought she could be with her guy or something.
  11. You just say whatever you want and treat people however you want inconsequentially, always with the same limited, and sometimes backward, kind of arguments. It seems to me more and more that you are a frustrated and unhappy man in life.
  12. I would just like to normally follow and comment on the apartments themselves
  13. I just have to say that people like you with that type of patriarchal thinking don't fit in an evolved society.
  14. I work too. And at least I have a wider lexicon and a more logical thinking than that. 😂
  15. Unfortunately some people here can be very cruel and have no scruples to treat a Woman the way they want, and be capable of giving them a big kick in the ass when they stop serving their specific needs. And this is just a reflexion of the society we still live in, which keeps evolving in some matters but is still a backward society in other basic matters. But Women aren't like a typical can of juice you drink, crumple and throw away.
  16. Get a life outside your room/ office and stop saying cruel BS.
  17. B1 is having mixed moods. I want them back to Easter like mood.
  18. I don't compare them to Psyche and Mars. The sisters, even this way of sometimes hiding and so on (more with Esmi), have shown much more involvement than them.
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