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Everything posted by costa049

  1. You quoted half of my reply. I also said that anything more sexually related that happens, meaning masturbations, sex, tenants showing themselves pantless/ topless or even naked, which as we know happens with a very high probability everyday like I said, is a bonus to us.
  2. But the thing is that they aren't obligated to do anything or to act in a certain way. We, the viewers/ subscribers just expect things to happen, which highly likely happen everyday. And anything more sexually related that happens, like masturbations, sex, tenants showing themselves pantless/ topless or even naked, which as we know happens with a very high probability everyday like I said, is a bonus to us.
  3. I don't like seeing two different moods from the sisters...
  4. That's what you keep calling it all the time. You just changed the way to say it, but it's still around the same kind of nonsense argumentation as always.
  5. At least I am not limited and don't argue with the same shit on and on and with the same limited vocabulary.
  6. Zaba looks happy, unlike Esmi. Hope it wasn't the call again...
  7. I agree with that, but as I said I won't bury her just for that, simply just because they aren't obligated to act like how we want.
  8. I agree with that, but as I said I won't bury her just for that, simply just because they aren't obligated to act like how we want.
  9. I though you had a bit more to say beyond that. But I see that you are a bit limited in your mind and vocabulary, and your argumentation is mainly based on offcam, boring and do-nothing.
  10. The problem starts precisely when the viewers/ subscribers started seeing it that way just for the fact that, as I said, many of the girls started to take advantage of it, which isn't necessary obligatory or a rule on RLC. And I said exhibitionist more i the sense of showing and doing for the cams. And although I agree that she should show more, I won't bury her for not showing as much as we wished, and she already does that, even if not too much (and I hope more in the future). Ofc I don't like the unnaturalness of some of the ones you've mention but I also don't like some of their behavior towards others too, and that's where the line is to me, because I don't define a girl for being outside or not doing something I want.
  11. You showed two senses here. On the one hand, I don't agree that she DOESN'T belong here, I believe more that she just isn't an exhibitionist (which fortunately or unfortunately many girls started taking advantage of) and she (as many others) doesn't deserve being buried for not doing or showing a certain thing. But on the other hand, I agree that if she ever does it unnaturally just for the cameras, which I doubt, she will definitely be crossing a line.
  12. Their employees are really sleeping at the office. They left it UM for this long for them to end up leaving after not even 2 weeks and they highlighted it green in the news, as someone had joined. Not to mention that they left Karol's vacation notification still there for 3 days after it ended.
  13. Btw, Marlene left B5 and still no signs of Esmi.
  14. You're a true joke. You are the one who's constantly trying to justify yourself or answering other people for the others to defend even what's not to defend, or even criticizing others for things you do or even worse. Not to mention your lack of coherence, since I've not seen you criticizing other tenants this much for being out or not doing what you want. 😂
  15. He's a fucking joke, because he criticizes others for things he fucking does himself or worse 😂
  16. While at least I don't keep feeling the pain of others to defend even the indefensible.
  17. It also applies to you btw, no need to be feeling others' pain 😉
  18. Looks like Marlene will sleep at B5. She's still there and Kylie made the bed of the guest room.
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