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Everything posted by costa049

  1. There is no more argument possible in this regard when you only criticized and offended on your two replies.
  2. Instead of just criticizing, just relax and try to enjoy your watching. At least this do nothing has already showed nice progress 🙂
  3. 100% agree. I don't even know what she's doing there
  4. That's what I have been saying. Esmi has slowly been feeling freer and freer. She's made good progress already. Besides having the ease already for showering naked, she's already danced and walked around in panties. And even for someone who goes out everyday until dinner/ bed time, she's been spending more time home today. She is very natural and doesn't need to be exaggerated or fake and force anything for the cams to shine. And in addition she even has one of the best bodies, hair and face and very sensual body moves as a bonus. And she can still bring many more great surprises. She just has to completely lose her shyness when it comes to the presence of the others in the apartment and let herself walk naked in front of them freely. She is a rare golden goose, and RLC must learn with her hiring.
  5. Marlene has been in panties since she woke up until recently. And Esmi too for a bit at 1150
  6. You were just lucky they still answered you my friend
  7. Esmi is dressed in the living room doing some financial calculations 😉
  8. Most probably, spring has arrived. But Marlene going out every night until crazy hours doesn't help too. And some days ago it was quite windy in Barcelona
  9. All but Karol staying home and taking tea and honey. Marlene was having a bad cough earlier and Zabava's friend is coughing too. They must really be sick or something. Esmi taking some pill too (must be for her period)
  10. Marlene drinking tea for her cough. Seems a bit better now
  11. Oh yes for sure, those are the main exhibitionist. And Fiora too. On VHTV forum some of them (don't know if all) chat with you. And even the staff does direct updates on their moves throughout the day on their twitter
  12. @thinga69 But if you say they do things thinking on us, then you mustn't watch VHTV 😂 The participants even communicate with us directly
  13. Maybe. But I mean, she may be doing it without even actively thinking on it
  14. I'm really starting to think that she keeps teasing us 😄
  15. Esmi finally awake and up too, and with great looking legs!! 😊 She lost her shyness today! 🙂
  16. Zabava and her friend finally up. Esmi in bed still. They're moving on coal today
  17. Esmi would be a great addition in the Villa after her stay in b1. She has the fitness room there to practice all her dance 🙂
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