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Everything posted by costa049

  1. Yes, but it's also their "work" to create some expectations on us
  2. But Alana is clearly a boring, do-nothing girl. She's already spend a lot of time on RLC and has already had the opportunity to show something, but she's barely changed in all these years, so there's nothing to expect from her. Esmi on the other side has already started to prove that she can become a great surprise. So I think the expectations are higher on Esmi's side
  3. Whether Esmi leaves as soon as the war ends or not, one thing that sustains the hypothesis that she can get in love with the project and still stay longer is her visit to the Villa on Sunday and the fun she was having yesterday
  4. And what if they're providing the best of both worlds? Giving her a place to stay while at the same time giving us the possibility of watching her
  5. Not to offend you, but if they're just providing her a place to stay as a refugee and nothing else more, then what are the cameras and all the voyeurism for? (Rhetoric question). Well, in any case, I also would love that she stays for long and even gets in love with the project and opens herself more (keeping her naturalness and without turning fake). As I said she can be and has potential to be a very good surprise. But let's see what time brings.
  6. I see what you mean. So then, what are the cameras and all the voyeurism thing for?
  7. @ddhmI coudn't answer you because the other topic ended up getting closed. About Esmi, she signed a contract with RLC and they made her know what the project was all about and that she was going to be filmed 24/7. So in my opinion, if she really isn't that much into the project and might leave soon as the war ends, as you said, she would've already said no in the first minute and refused to join the project, and instead move with her sister to another place. To conclude, from what I, and I think many of us here see, they both have been getting more open in the project and having more fun with other tenants, especially since their visit to the villa. And following that, as I also said, I think they can be and have potential to be a good surprise in RLC. Let's see with time.
  8. Harley must have got hypersomnia. She's sleeping practically since she arrived yesterday. She already slept at least 20 hours straight. I wonder where she's been for these two days off cam
  9. But despite all, the sisters, especially Esmi who's just joined the project and doesn't seem so open, have been starting to open themselves a little more and have more fun with other tenants without being fake, starting from their visit to the villa on Sunday. And that's a good start for them. They can be a good surprise
  10. I might be thinking utopianly, but I want to believe that, sooner or later, they will fix this mess
  11. I'm just expressing my opinion. And I honestly think that the majority of us here can agree that after all, if it wasn't them, this gathering probably wouldn't have happened, or very hardly
  12. That I don't agree with 100%, because despite everything bad or not so good from them, they still manage to provide nice gatherings (apart from the fake things) and yesterday, despite the bad episodes that happened, they managed to get together some of b1 and b2 in the villa, something that hasn't happened for months.
  13. I think we can say that we have on one side Loraine and Holly and on the other side Radi and Tweety. And if they keep spending time with each other like this, Loraine with Holly and Radi with Tweety, it will be bad for Holly and Tweety's relationship...
  14. She is still just a young old woman as Sergio said. She still has a lot to learn
  15. They've just made what looks to be an improvised bed on the floor of the LR
  16. I wonder where Tata and Bea are sleeping, in case they stay over the night
  17. They live in the same house as roommates, in this case girls on vacation. Of course they can spend time with each other. They just have to not borrow each other's stuff without asking, be respectful when inviting guests and with noise, clean up their own messes and their private/ common spaces in general, keep their hands off/ not share each other's food and drinks without asking and without having your hands and face properly clean, respect each other's need for quiet time and, above all, respect each other's space and privacy, that's it. These are basic rules of coexistence.
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