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Everything posted by costa049

  1. 2155 Harley, Olivia and Ulyana turned the lights off and left. Probably heading back together to the Villa
  2. OT - b2 also back online and cleaning lady (Svetlana) there
  3. Correction: O&U, not U&L Yes, the whole area including the terrace (3-17) is UM and I don't understand why. And they seem to be heading out, O&U took a shower and at least Ulyana is dressed
  4. RLC just answered me to an email saying they are planning to open other apartments in the future
  5. OT - New couples apt??? Katie and Adam. Anyone knows where it might be located?
  6. Loraine must have got sleep sickness. She slept all morning and is still sleeping
  7. OT - How does Tata look today? She was looking miserable yesterday, after leaving B5 wasted the night before. Two days in a row drinking.
  8. The kitchen cams are fucked up. They are stuttering in loop. Two of the living room cams went UM for a bit
  9. At 2030, when I was watching before leaving, she still wasn't back. And she had left B6 at 1940 with Fiora. And Kylie, Rus and Tata were alredy in the Villa. And so I asked to know if she was going back to B6 or not
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