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sexy girl

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Posts posted by sexy girl

  1. 4 hours ago, Mark Thompson said:

    Hi sexy. 💋 I have not heard from you in some time. .. No speculation, but truth is vain if anything .... Speculation is an attempt to take advantage of something ... more than profound

     I used to think of you as just a sexy girl (when you entered the photo contest (over a year? ) And enjoyed an exchange at that level..... this has kind of blown my mind... I'm not sure if I agree or have yet to understand but very nice and thank you.... one would never expect such deep, perhaps philosophical view in this forum of" I sure like her titties" (that's me a lot) ...

    but my whole belief and living structures are based on the pursuit of TRUTH... and you throw this into the mix... profound... and I will pursue it's meaning and impact on parts of my thinking of Truth..... you see that is wonderment of truth if.one does not lock ones beliefs new truth can be found or evolve .... very cool 💋

    Hi Mark kiss, it was almost a year ago when I entered the photo contest ... Thanks for your post, and words used towards me, it made me very funny ... in the future I might surprise you again ahahaha kiss

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  2. 1 hour ago, jimbo4 said:

    So pray tell me oh wise one, what's the difference between what I wrote and what the skunk wrote about another member.

    Your impartiality is breath-taking, he is allowed to abuse others and you do nothing, whereas I pull him on it and I am the culprit.

    Astonishing !!! But expected.

    Hi, I agree with your thoughts ...
    I will say last thing on this topic then I will not talk about it anymore ....
    They listed my term (fat) terrible, without remembering what terms used user Pepe against a girl who long ago wrote in this forum and no one has ever intervened ...
    Those words were terrible .... I would like to remind you that Leora is first of all a girl like me, like all girls and women in the world (a living being) ... It seems that if we talk about a user , respect, freedom no thought is needed, while if you are talking about an RLC tenant there are rules in expressing yourself .... It leaves me somewhat perplexed
    Pepe you look like the ox he says horned to a donkey ...

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

    Va bene, quello che stavo dicendo era che le persone che hanno attaccato Leora e Malia sono quelle che dovrebbero guardarsi allo specchio - Siamo entrambi sulla stessa linea! Volevo solo chiarire.

    I agree with you, I'm sorry that my purely provocative post was not understood perhaps also due to my little knowledge of the English language ... in fact I wrote that even a Goddess can gain weight ... understood as that as time passes and the his physique changes always remains a beautiful girl (Goddess) ...

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  4. 11 minutes ago, Pepe said:

    Semplicemente non penso che le persone dovrebbero chiamarti GRASSO, ma se per te va bene così sia. 

    if it is not clear to you my message or postbering addressed in a provocative way to those who said that Leora is fat .... I have always said for years that I wish I could have her metabolism and I do not see all this fat for me it is just more woman ... if you read my previous posts you could understand ...

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  5. 3 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Leora manca di abilità culinarie. Martina e Alberto cucinano molto per se stessi e lo strano momento in cui ordinano la pizza. Prendo a calci Alberto quando scongela la carne. Fa scorrere la carne sotto l'acqua calda nel lavandino invece di mettere nel microonde per scongelare.  

    Ahahah yes, that strange, unhealthy method, I also noticed that I defrost the meat ... I always prefer to take the meat out of the frizzer in the morning and let it thaw alone ... They, having more time than mine, could do the same without using neither microwave nor hot water ...

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  6. 11 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Mangiano più cibo da asporto piuttosto che cucinare per se stessi.

    Yes true, if not on rare occasions Leora has never shown great cook qualities ... But I found this in several apartments ... An apartment where I see cooking beautiful dishes is from Martina and Alberto ... He cooks meat and fish and they look beautiful very tasty dishes ...

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  7. 1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Lo apprezzo Pepe e tutto !!! Questo sequestro era qualcosa fuori dalla Twilight Zone nel fatto che c'erano alcune cose che ha fatto durante il sequestro che non aveva mai fatto prima. Lavorava da casa e durante il controllo dei sistemi al lavoro ha avuto il sequestro. Mia figlia stava parlando con lui circa 3 ore dopo il sequestro e poi mi ha chiamato con un sentimento del WTF. Sono arrivato lì e nella sua camera da letto ha un'enorme scrivania roll top che usa come ufficio. Stava mangiando uva e ce n'era una grande pila che era stata affogata sulla sua sedia e tuttavia non mostrava alcun segno di uva su di lui da nessuna parte. Il monitor del suo computer era sotto la sua scrivania e la sua tastiera era dietro la sua sedia e la cosa più bizzarra di tutte era che la sua sedia non si muoveva mai. Afferma che l'ultima cosa che ricorda è stata seduta sulla sua sedia a mangiare uva mentre controllava i vari sistemi in ospedale .... da quello che ho visto, non c'è modo all'inferno che avrebbe potuto sedersi ma chi lo sa davvero! ! Sta bene ed è finito solo con un po 'di lingua, un piccolo taglio sul lato del viso e un paio di nodi pop sulla sua boca !! Sequestro molto strano questa volta di sicuro !!! 

    Hi Harley .. I am very sorry for what happened, and happy that now everything is well or at least nothing very serious .... Far away but I am close to you with a thought, a hug and kiss Harley

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  8. 3 hours ago, blue is the colour said:

    Hands up be honest who was beating off at the massage 😇session

    🙋‍♀️I was ... I was cleaning the house hahaha😂 ... Apart from the jokes I did not find it exciting ... If Leora was in her bedroom and Malia in another room it would have been perhaps more exciting and better ... Never a look among them, even Malia turned and turned her back to Leora who was still touching herself ... I couldn't even say for sure if Malia reached orgasm or not .... A bit chilly as ... session ... I would say for my taste .. good start ended badly ....

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  9. 3 hours ago, pulo filipe said:

    belle ragazze così carine così brave 

    Leora e Malia e una ragazza sexy 

    👸 👸 👯

    Un grande bacio e un abbraccio per tutte le donne sono speciali così carini 


    😘 🤝

    Dobbiamo coccolare e dare affetto 

    🐈 😘

    Good afternoon Filipe, a beautiful and happy day to you too friend ...😘🐈

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