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  1. Did you see her shave since she's been on RLC?
  2. The water will be cold by the time she takes a bath.
  3. I don't see bath time. I see bullshit in the bathroom.
  4. Well it's called RealLifeCam. What Jessi is doing is not Real Life.
  5. It's been 4 days since Jessi took a bath (unless I missed something). She must smell like a fish market.
  6. I already told you why. She's a fucking joke!
  7. Lina is another useless one, right behind Jessi.
  8. Probably told her she needs to show her naked body or leave.
  9. Yup, she does not belong on RLC. She has her own bathroom, but still uses the other one with no sound where she can hide out of view.😒
  10. Look while you can because she will be gone again soon. What a fucking joke!
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