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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Not adding it because it's not real. It's like watching a bad porn movie.
  2. Wrong, Harley's bate was real. Not like this fucking porn queen.
  3. Severina's lips are ridiculous. How can they think they look better like that?
  4. The guy is clearly an annoying asshole. But people like ddhm think he's an awesome guy and we are just jealous. 😄
  5. How can you not see that this guy is an asshole? Maybe it's because you are the same as him. You are living in a RLC fantasy world.😂
  6. The highlight of their last stay was when Eliska was shit faced, fell on her face and knocked her tooth out.
  7. They just got there and now they are on vacation? That's bullshit!
  8. I don't get excited like you, I just add it to my collection.
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