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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. It's ridiculous that you watch this clickbait bullshit and you expect something to happen.
  2. Kimberly won't do anything sober. Yana is another do nothing. She fits in perfectly in B1.
  3. Did Yana do anything good on camera when she was on rlc before? Because she isn't doing shit this time.
  4. Reading these comments is more entertaining than anything in B1. Kimberly is not going to fuck anyone on camera. She's just a teaser.
  5. Lavika is one of the best I've seen on RLC so far. She actually gets it.
  6. Wtf is that mess on top of the guest's head? 😂
  7. Earlier Yana was top cam with her legs open like she was going to bate. Surprise! She's a fucking B1 do nothing. 😄
  8. Yes, she had a I don't give a shit attitude. Unlike these do nothings now.
  9. I can't be the only one that didn't miss her at all.
  10. These girls love to fuck up the lighting.
  11. People were offended by Elettra. They would rather see these 3 do nothings. 😕
  12. Have fun in your communist country. I love shooting my guns that I own legally.
  13. She is the worst! Just like the others in B1.
  14. I'm not even close to that fucking idiot. 😏
  15. We aren't whiners, we are people that pay and get these girls that don't do shit. So we speak up about it.
  16. Why is this do nothing Yana a top cam? Give me a fucking break. She's not going to do anything! Fucking retards watching RLC.
  17. I don't think she ever would. Like you said she's a teaser, not a pleaser.
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