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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I did see that and it was hardly a bate. Also it looks like she finished under the blanket. 🙄
  2. What time on Saturday? I have seen nothing from her.
  3. I could care less about these girls lives beyond RLC. They are on a website to entertain us and that's it.
  4. Thor has already fucked her on camera. She went to his room and climbed into his bed naked. How could that be rape? Also I'm pretty sure she is of legal age.
  5. I don't even know why she came back to RLC.🤷‍♂️
  6. Install Luna back to England. She does nothing on here without a guy.😕
  7. I think Karen is a dud. All eyes are on Oks in the future. 😉
  8. I would be banging the shit out of her right now. Maybe because he already had her, he's on to the next quest.
  9. If she was in my bed naked I would be all over that. What is wrong with this guy?
  10. I think that was an imposter. What have they done with the real Kristy? 😏
  11. I have seen her bate too much....I could care less about her bates.
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