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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Once again she did one for each sister. 😁
  2. It's obvious their private lives are off cam. πŸ˜•
  3. It was hard to see anything under the blanket, but I'll take your word for it. 😏
  4. That's the most you will get out of her. Boring as usual. 😁
  5. You're a little late for the party. It was already explained. πŸ™„
  6. Nice picture of the do nothing sisters. And a great picture of do something Marlene. 😏
  7. You said Tweety is worse than the devil. Now that's fucked up.
  8. You are one fucked up person. πŸ™„
  9. I'm just having a little fun with you. I know how obsessed you are with her. She's ok, I wouldn't throw her out of bed. πŸ˜‰
  10. I just took a look at Esmi in the shower to see what is so great about her. Actually she has a big ass and little tits. I don't get it.😁
  11. These guys are ridiculous with worshipping and posting the sisters every move. I have my favorites, like Harley, but you don't see me doing that bullshit. I have a full time job and a life, obviously these guys don't. It's sad to see this on here from these guys.πŸ™„
  12. Who the fuck do you think you are telling people to get lost? We have every right to be here and say how we feel about this bullshit.
  13. Easter was last Sunday. No masturbation is inappropriate.😁
  14. I only complain to get certain people fired up. And it works. 😁
  15. I guess you can't handle the truth. πŸ™„
  16. You keep saying end of argument, but you keep arguing. Just admit that these sisters do nothing and need to go.
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