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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. If you choose to be on RLC you better provide the paying customers something to watch or get the fuck out.
  2. Tell me what progress she has made? She hides when she bates. She takes a shower.....wow!
  3. You are barking up the wrong tree. I do what the fuck I want. How about you keep your cocksucker shut. 🙄
  4. I can't believe people waste their time watching these do nothings. 🙄
  5. This guest is a fucking joke. She washes her hair....that's it. I wouldn't want her stinky ass in my bed.🙄
  6. She needs to turn around and face the right way. 😕
  7. It has a sink. I don't think she will fit in it.😏
  8. The new girl washed her hair 3 times in 12 hours. Maybe she doesn't know about washing the rest of her body. 😏
  9. I'm at work now so I can't check. But I think it was around 00:54 last night.
  10. The new girl washed only her hair. Her pussy must smell like fish.🤮
  11. Tata with another tent bate. She needs to go, along with Kylie and Rus. 😕👎🏻
  12. Maybe you get off watching a guy jerk off. I love watching only women. And I'll call anyone anything I want, it's called freedom of speech.
  13. Who cares if he used the word dyke? You people need to relax and stop being a bunch of sensitive pussies. 🙄
  14. They are both a fucking joke and need to just go away forever. 👎🏻
  15. I'll let you watch the men bate and I'll stick to watching the women. 😁
  16. I don't really care about seeing these girls have sex. Like I said before, I'm here for the bating. And if they don't bate on camera then they are do nothings to me. 😉
  17. I must have missed her bating sessions. 😏
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