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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. She will do nothing on RLC. These sisters need to go.😑
  2. I told you I go on B1 and go on here for the other 2 girls that actually do something.
  3. I don't think that was BS. They really are worthless. 😁
  4. Now she is writing in a book. This is so exciting. πŸ™„
  5. I only watch the ones that actually do something, like Marlene, Karol, Radi, Cecilia and Harley. The other girls are a waste and put here for you to watch. πŸ˜‚
  6. It all comes down to the sisters are do nothings and should just leave. Bring in someone that isn't as boring as watching paint dry. πŸ™„
  7. I couldn't have said it better. πŸ‘ Some people just don't get it.
  8. Weird.....4:30 and Harley still sitting next to the bed and behind the curtain.
  9. Why does Harley keep sitting on the floor next to the bed? She did it also before going to Holly and Tweety's room.
  10. Harley was talking to Fiora in the kitchen for awhile before that. They kept whispering.
  11. She isn't bating in front of the cameras, so it must be happening where there are no cameras.
  12. Hopefully it transports them back to the Ukraine. 😁
  13. She has only slept here the first night. What the fuck is this girl doing all these times that she's not there?
  14. I would if I could. I'm a paying customer here. Put out content or get the fuck out.
  15. That was put there to block the camera from seeing her pussy. In other words, a big fuck you to the viewers. These sisters need to go back to Ukraine where they belong. πŸ˜•
  16. She doesn't belong on that part of the couch. That's for the baters.😁
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