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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Not even close in comparison. Karol and Marlene fuck their guys in their bedroom. Fiora fucks that thing on the kitchen counter and table. Big difference. πŸ˜•
  2. So you really watch a girl just laying in her bed? You people need to get a life. πŸ˜‚
  3. That was my sarcastic side. Sorry you missed the 😏.
  4. The sisters telling Marlene about their off cam night. What a fucking joke these sisters are.
  5. Is that what she was doing? She's worse than Kristy with her hiding under the blanket. πŸ˜• I'm glad I got a couple open bates of her from last time in B1. What a waste these 2 are now.
  6. That's all you do is defend all these do nothings. They aren't bating in the bedroom, so they must be doing it elsewhere. πŸ™„
  7. The only ones that do anything are Karol and Marlene. The other 3 are useless. Get them out and fill the room with someone else.
  8. I can't be bothered to search for that shit. I stay on these only.
  9. Fact checkers are a joke and only work for the fake media. I watch Newsmax......the real news.
  10. Your definition of banging must be different than mine. Mine means fucking and I definitely don't see any of that happening in B1. πŸ€”
  11. I have that bumper sticker, and I'm proud to be one.😁
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