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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Top cam is a blanket with 2 people under it. You people are fucking ridiculous.
  2. I see she is back now. She is so useless, just like her roommate was.
  3. Many of her bates don't make replay because they are 4 minutes long at the most. Just the way I like them.
  4. I'm not even watching and I know she won't let him fuck her. All she wants to do is give him a handjob.
  5. Always fun to watch a girl shut a guy down from fucking her. 😒
  6. Waste of time with that do nothing girl.
  7. I must be the only one that has never watched them have sex. When I see them together I watch something else.
  8. I watched Tonya's bate on the couch from yesterday. All I could hear is that stupid fucking laugh from Daytona. Can he just disappear for good! 😒
  9. He tried to put his hand in her panties and she stopped him twice. She's fucking useless.
  10. If she fucks on camera I will eat my words. I think she has a limit.
  11. But these people will watch her with Hawk thinking she will fuck on camera. Not going to happen!
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