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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I did that a few times. It's called having fun when you are young. It sucks getting old.
  2. You people are fucked up. You are like a bunch of women watching a soap opera.
  3. I didn't see her use it, only Marilyn used it. Madison is a lost cause. 😩
  4. That is required from any guy that's from B7. They are all creeps.
  5. More fake bullshit from this wannabe porn star. 😒
  6. It was so much better before B7 opened.
  7. Overtime? It's not even close to midnight here. I could care less about these girls.
  8. Fucking idiot #2 needs to go back to B7 where he belongs.
  9. I like them to be short. When it's longer it makes it seem like it's more of a show.
  10. You need to hook up with Wolf so he can fuck you with his limp dick.
  11. Now the idiot is in B1. I can't stand this creep.
  12. I doubt that is true, but Tonya needs to start packing.
  13. I was just trying to help the guy out. Nothing against you.
  14. If you spend $20 for a year of CC you will see who leaves them on your posts. It was TfiDeano.
  15. Another click bait massage......and it's working for the suckers.
  16. Look at that fucking idiot with the sunglasses on. What a douche bag.
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