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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. I don't know if you were here when Harley Fatboy was on here, but that's what he does and he changed his name to Frank Zabba. I'm guilty of doing the same thing, but just like him I don't give a shit.
  2. I can't believe this idiot is back on RLC. Such a useless piece of shit. He's such an asshole she had to sleep on the couch. 😏
  3. I saw her taking a shower and her lips looked normal.
  4. I prefer a girl that hasn't fucked up her body or face. This girl looks fine to me.
  5. She looks better than those girls with the blown up lips and fake tits.
  6. Again I watch popular cams, not actually watching the bullshit by itself. 4 rows of cams is what I see on my computer.
  7. I don't know, It seems to bother him when they are drinking and getting drunk. Some of the best things have happened when they are drunk.
  8. Why is something you can't really see top cam? People are so fucked up that watch RLC.
  9. I don't know Ed, he never answered my last question. When I was young like these people on RLC I drank alcohol and got drunk many times. I still drink at my age (61) and it has never fucked up my life ever.
  10. Katerina is a click bait joke! Let me know when she actually bates instead of briefly touching her tits and pussy. 😒
  11. Neither is Sophia, and she faces the camera when she bates. Just another reason for me not to like Aziza.
  12. Of course she faces away from the cameras. Her bates always sucked.
  13. Any reason to watch Sara and Masshole is beyond me. Time for them to go.
  14. Top cam is Katarina writing in a notebook. Why would anyone even waste time watching that?
  15. So newbies Vesna and Cassie did open bates with the light on. Katarina is nothing but a fucking teaser after 2 and a half months. 😒
  16. I just get that feeling from what you say when they are drinking alcohol. Do you drink alcohol?
  17. Why are you so against people getting drunk?
  18. A bunch of fucking weirdos here.
  19. I have never taken a shower sitting down. 😒
  20. Another one that just lays on her bed staring at her phone.
  21. She wasn't hiding under a blanket and she did have an orgasm, so I would call them bates.
  22. I don't know about that. I have 6 bates from Rachel.
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