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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Mati was hitting on Sambuka but she shut him down. She is the best.
  2. Cecilia and Lali were awesome tonight. The other girls not so much.
  3. I missed the one on the bed, I'll check it out now.
  4. Bella, worst girl ever! Why do we need to keep seeing this piece of shit do nothing?
  5. But he is right. Sometimes it takes awhile for the girls to get used to the cameras and loosen up. Some never do and some do.
  6. Her first shower was with the light on. She is going backwards.
  7. I find Karma attractive and I hope she's not a do nothing. Hopefully she isn't holding back her showers because of the cameras.
  8. Margo's lips are so fucking hideous, how can anyone find her attractive?
  9. Wolf has his sights set on Rachel's friend. It's the ONLY reason he is playing twister.
  10. And I guess you didn't see that he said "Top Gun" like that was the name of the song.
  11. I don't drink when I have to work during the week. You know, a job, the thing that most people don't have on here.
  12. When you play twister you are not allowed to have your knee touch. These people need to read the rules.
  13. You can't even compare shitty Berlin to The Beatles or The Stones.
  14. We call it Daylight Savings Time and it's done the first weekend of November.....So next weekend.
  15. When I say how could you watch this shit, I'm watching it and like to see the people on here get all wound up.
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