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Everything posted by corvette08

  1. Octavia is so weird. Looks like she's gone for a day or two.
  2. I looked at the top cam and said to myself.....Who's the hot blonde at the stove? And then she turned around. 😒
  3. Just saying again that you are not a keen observer.
  4. Best part of the night was Lali's bate with a nice long orgasm.
  5. Don't, I am just an old guy. I'm 61, son. 😏
  6. I just read it again.....You are correct. They are do nothings until they bate.
  7. I have seen their masturbations and they are as fake as their blown up lips.....No thanks.
  8. Or watch a guy jerk off......bunch of queers on here.
  9. I am only on here, not watching the bullshit. I watched the good stuff earlier and they are sleeping now.
  10. When you say we will see.....It makes me laugh because you are watching a soap opera. Such a bullshit soap opera.
  11. The guy is a fucking idiot. How can anyone watch his bullshit?
  12. No comparison, Sambuka is much better looking.
  13. The only thing freaky about her is those ridiculous lips.
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