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Posts posted by delong1

  1. 2 minutes ago, F219 said:

    Disagree.  They are not being paid to entertain.  They are being paid to have their lives view on cams.  They do whatever they do.

    Even so with the motto of RLC being "Voyeurism at it's Best" with the definition of the word meaning getting pleasure from others sexual activities they do have to do a bit more than just stare at the phone or tv all day, it's one of the reasons the "arrow" apartment has been a revolving door of tenants,they did nothing so they got replaced

    • Upvote 2
  2. 7 hours ago, Zinc said:

    BTW...a little off topic but Zoya has literally middle fingered the Barca girls...by showing that she can be more fun on her own than those 7 girls in B1 and B2...bating twice on couch within 1 hr...its a first time on RLC i believe....

    Must be some type of russian holiday involving the number 2 because leora just did the same thing :biggrin:

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