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Posts posted by delong1

  1. 18 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    You're actually not missing anything delong,  anyone that has followed these two girls in this apartment knows that Sabrina swings both ways.   The difference now is that Carina has probably come to grips with it and is trying to give the girl she loves some space.   I hope you understand what I'm saying!!

    understand it perfectly,knew she was bi because of the nuva ring she had just her bringing a guy there and being openly affectionate while butch was there caught me off guard

  2. 16 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    Very cool to see Stella already have big impact in rlc,cc users,it's already one of the most likest in this poll,and have an feeling she be even more liked in some time..hope that turns wright.

    I think "Drunk Stella" showed a lot  of what she can potentially be. All while being nice to look at her night by herself was really entertaining

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