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CC Powerdriver

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Posts posted by CC Powerdriver

  1. i admit i did do a topic of voyeurvilla aswell but the truth is i did it because i was talking about my time on it and when i find out it was just 1 apartment so the topic is just about finding out voyeurvilla is 1 apartment

  2. If a new apartment does arrive I should think it will be standard its just a new thing rlc is doing when a standard couple leaves they get replaced by at least 1 premium apartment and a standard one

    The last 2 apartments to come online have both been Premium.

    I don't know if a standard membership from RLC allows you into the premium apartments or not.

    OK so if the last 2 apartments have been premium how comes the last time they done this zoya & lev come which is standard then nelly & bodgan come which is premium

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