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Posts posted by Rivotril

  1. You are following Kami? I don't think Kami is lesbian. Just took vacation with other girl friends. Too bad she and Kristy didn't stay friends,they were so close for a while. But I think Kristy tried too hard to have sex with Kami and Kami ultimately wanted to get away from the pursuit. Also, they live different lives, different personalities.

    C'est bien possible.  ;)

    Jusque maintenant, toutes les images trouvées sur le net montrent Kamila très proche des femmes. Et aucune ne montre Kamila proche des hommes.

    Finalement nous ne sommes sûr de rien, juste se fier à ce que l'on voit, ou ce que l'on croit voir !!  :yes:

    It's possible. ;)

    Until now, all images found on the net show Kamila very close women. And none Kamila shows close to men.

    Finally we are not sure of anything, just trust what we see, or what we think we see !!  :yes:

  2. The last we heard from Kristy, she was in Bali.....................anyone have any updates on her ? There have been no updates on her account since October 26th !

    Non, il n'y a plu de mise à jour depuis le 26 octobre...

    Elle est restée 1 semaine sans visiter son compte VK, j'avoue que je me suis tracassé......avec les voyages qu'elle fait et l'accident d'avion Russe...  :-\

    Mais heureusement, elle va bien...  :)

    No, there rained updated since October 26...

    She stayed one week without visiting VK his account, I admit that I'm bothered with travel ...... it does and the Russian plane crash...  :-\

    Fortunately, she's fine...  :)

  3. yes the life of a model and a dancer they meet have fun move on.

    such is life.

    they dont even acknoledge each other on any of the social media's

    Le seul point commun entre les 2 filles est qu'elles ont fait des photos pour le même photographe...

    Mais Kamila est beaucoup plus connue dans le monde de la photo que Kristy.....

    Kami est aussi plus agée, de 2 ans...

    The only common point between the two girls is that they took photos for the same photographer ...

    But Kamila is much known in the world of the photo Kristy .....

    Kami is also more aged, 2 years ...

  4. Zoya mérite vraiment autre chose que ce con de mec avec sa putain de tablette, il ne pense vraiment pas à elle. Juste sa putain de tablette !!!!

    Zoya really deserves something other than what con guy fucking with his tablet, he does not really think of her. Its tablet just fucking !!!!

    (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).

  5. Pourquoi re-poster mes photos, une page après ??  >:( >:(

    Sans  oublier, de découper quelques morceaux !!  :scratchchin: :scratchchin:

    Why am I posting my photos, after a page ??  >:( >:(

    Not to mention, cut some pieces !!  :scratchchin: :scratchchin:

    Toujours pas de réponse !!

    Still no answer !!

    Yeah what he said,I'm fucking tired of people stealing my shit and then putting their names on it claiming that it's theirs or people who hate my ass but still download my shit on CC,I want every time that they jack off to my shit they got to think of me :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

    But to the nice people of CC and my real friends if you want the original copy to a photo that you like just ask nicely on the open board or through a pm and I will gladly send it to you :hi: :hi:

    Voici l'explication que j'attendais !!!!

    Merci euromike69 !!  ;)

    The explanation I expected !!!!

    Euromike69 thank you !! ;)

  6. we should be well aware by now that none of RLC motives or happenings make any sense , the whole pholosphy of that site as no rhyme or reason ,it would take a complete genius to work out there strategies , maybe with all the guessing games and scenarios they show ,perhaps we should just admit that RLC is an american test site for mind control .

    Cela n'est pas faux du tout !!  ;)

    Il y a de quoi se poser beaucoup de questions !!

    This is not wrong at all !! ;)

    There is something to ask many questions !!

  7. You always want to Kami and krsti Back

    Why do not you stop search

    Stop sending messages

    Consider the social pages

    I've become afraid of even looking in the phone

    Please stopped

    Nous savons très bien qu'elles ne reviendront pas........pas avant l'année prochaine...avec un peu de chance...

    Un jour viendra où l'on ne parlera plu d'elles, car elles seront oubliées par le temps...  ;)

    J'ai été un accro de Kristy très longtemps....mais avec le temps, on passe à autre chose. Je reste "en contact indirect" avec elle par les réseaux sociaux, mais aucun harcèlement fanatique !!

    Il faut pouvoir tourner la page, et passer à autre chose.......maintenant il y a de nouveaux participants sur RLC qui sont très intéressants aussi....sans oublier les nouvelles filles qui vont arriver à partir du 18 octobre...  :P

    We know very well that they will not come back ........ not before next year ... with a little luck ...

    A day will come when we will talk pleased them, as they will be forgotten by the time ...;)

    I was hooked on Kristy long time .... but with time, we move on. I remain "indirect contact" with her through social networks, but no harassment fanatic !!

    We must be able to turn the page and move on ....... now there are new participants on RLC that are very interesting too .... not to mention the new girls that will happen from October 18 ... :P

  8. Dans une vidéo, Kamila et Kristy marchent, en se tenant par la main...  :yes:

    Et Kamila a commenté une photo de Kristy en l'appelant "Mon amour".  :hugnkiss:

    Vous êtes libre de penser ce que vous voulez...

    En tout cas, à moi, elles me manquent...  :P

    Ps: je ne donnerai aucune info personnelle sur les filles.  ;)

    In a video, Kamila and Kristy walking, holding by the hand ... :yes:

    Kamila and commented on a picture of Kristy calling it "My love."  :hugnkiss:

    You are free to think what you want ...

    Anyway, to me, they fail me ... :P

    PS: I will not give any personal info on the girls.  ;)

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