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Everything posted by azer99

  1. I don't subscribe to her OnlyFans (nor to RLC).
  2. Elle a dû utiliser un traducteur alors.
  3. Tu crois vraiment que Linda parle français?
  4. I just said that people are free to do what they want with their money... If they want to pay a subscription on RLC, OnlyFans or elsewhere, that's their business.
  5. I don't understand why moos54 said that... In public, he makes me look like a bad person who comes for the money without any proof. Yes, I'm Linda... 🙄
  6. C'est un site où tu peux accéder à des photos/vidéos contre un abonnement. It's a site where you can access photos/videos for a subscription.
  7. Yes, Linda asked me personally a month ago to advertise her OnlyFans in exchange for money. She said "Hey azer99, go advertise my OnlyFans on CamCaps.net and I'll give you money". No seriously... All I did was share her OnlyFans. I never forced anyone to subscribe. I just gave a link, I didn't ask for money from the people who wanted her OnlyFans. They do what they want with the OnlyFans, it's none of my business.
  8. And so? It's not your money, so it's their business if some want to pay a subscription to see her photos and interact with her (which is not possible with a subscription on RLC by the way). 😉
  9. Je te l'ai envoyé en MP. 😉
  10. Send me a PM and I'll answer you. 😉
  11. $30.00 a month is already a wrong number...
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