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Everything posted by philo

  1. I just watched it again and Claire got in quite a bit of work in a very short time. Claire not only licked the clit, she got deep in the pussy and she even sucked. Impressive !
  2. Radi was just playing "hard-to-get" I think. Claire already licked her pussy pretty well and she didn't protest at all then.
  3. It would be good to understand why RLC does not want people to comprehend what is being discussed except for native language speakers? It's not like closed caption has not been around for the past 25 years.
  4. So some guys claim that their woman prepares the same way to go to the corner grocer as she does when she goes out to fuck. Just think about what you just said.
  5. I'm not trying to speculate or to promote any theory over another...but I want to share one thing I know for sure: If a woman spends "a lot of time getting ready to go somewhere", she is not going to hang out with a study group from school. TRUST ME!
  6. It's Nelly not Martina. I agree that Martina seems to be on her monthly period. I think that's probably they only snuggled today.
  7. Alberto shut down the guest room...brought the phones out and turned off the lights. Nelly got the message.
  8. If they fucked during the party with all those people around they certainly could with just Alberto who likes to watch.
  9. Alberto seemed to enjoy watching them kiss at the Villa party.
  10. I agree, now, with whomever said that Nelly is falling hard for Martina. At first I thought it was the other way around.
  11. I think that Nelly's aunt was just leaving the last time and no problemo.
  12. sorry that you don't understand. At least some who read this post do.
  13. If you are curious about my posts, it is to point out the absurdity of the reliance upon translations, etc. as the authority for what is happening.
  14. There was about two hours from the time Nelly left home and the time she came inside the door at Martina's. During that same time, Martina was away and only came home about 30 minutes before Nelly arrived. Nelly never moved to fully enter the apartment so perhaps it was always her intent to eat out. Either way, the timeline is soft and I saw no active preparations for lunch being made as we saw for their previous lunch.
  15. Thank you. That is clearly different information than what we were told previously. i started asking this question about two hours ago when it was clear to me they were not having lunch at Martina's. Thank you again !
  16. I'm starting to wonder if this "lunch" has anything at all to do with RlC. As recall, only about half of the sex that we know about between Nelly and Martina has occurred on camera.
  17. So, then, could it be that the translation was accurate but the information was inaccurate?
  18. I thought that I read that Martina was preparing lunch for Nelly and that the rice had already been cooked? Is this still what is being asserted? .....Crickets?
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