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  1. Well I read it, I liked the part where Dr Rieger claimed"...but never straight." Apparently that landed him in a spot of bother because he then clarifies "Never was too strong..the majority of women who claim to be straight are not straight in their sexual arousal." Of those 345 women involved in the study some of them were lesbians already, "whereas lesbians are far more attracted to the female form." So subtract those and you're left with..for the sake of argument 200. 200 women in or around the University of Essex are possibly bisexual. As you say way too few to qualify as all. Interesting read though, thank you.
  2. I'm confused are the 69ers two separate individuals disagreeing over....something or.......
  3. Or perhaps as a 20something she's more accustomed to sleeping in a double bed.
  4. That they're open minded and willing to try new things even if not everyone agrees with them, or that it's their business and they don't care particularly as long as they continue to make money . One of those is probably true.
  5. The worst part is that whilst all this is going on upstairs they're missing Castle downstairs...shameful.
  6. Whatever it takes to get people reaching for their wallets..
  7. Spill your coffee, Nora. Stub your toe, Nora. Miss the bus, Nora.
  8. Passing judgement after she's been in the house less than a day? Seems legit...
  9. I vote we lynch the first indivual to even hint at a lesbian relationship between them. It will save time later by serving as a deterrent for the rest.
  10. So this agency has a single staff member who "works" from waking to sleeping and doesn't get a day off? I call shenanigans.
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