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Posts posted by mkryan1

  1. This seemed to fit people over 40. I don't know the answer but it was a trip when it crossed my mind.

    What do you think the percentage is, of  teens today that has actually put a needle on a record to listen to music?

    A- 50%

    B- 25%

    C- Lower than 10%

    I wana put D for all the above but it doesn't correlate.

    I'm thinkin C! What do YOU think?

  2. Wussup my Brotha from anotha motha? I popped in the site, having not been here in a while and I came across one of your posts and I let out a "Gasp"!!! Lol  Dude, as much as I love our country's flag, I'm thinkin your Heath Ledger Joker was a perfect fit with the "method to my madness" quote! Now do sumin about that or I'll havta hava talk with my Congressman!  8)

  3. I have the same problem, amigo. Her face from the "birds-eye-view" of the old apartment's cameras and her face from the "straight-on-view" of the new cameras is totally different.

    I never followed this couple much, anyway. And I probably won't follow them much now, either.

    Whew! Cool. Another thing though is her ass. It can look nice at times but naked, it looks flat. She gota morphing ass!

  4. And that piece of shit, Stefan has no right to wear any clothing with the words United States Military written anywhere on them. Fucking poser.

    Seriously? I havta admit, I didn't notice that! Also, if she wasn't drunk then what was in that huge bottle that she tipped all the way back then?!?!

  5. One time I was masturbating on the couch and at the same time my dog was on the floor licking his balls when all of a sudden we made eye contact, then we both started cracking up!

    Everybody has caught their pet staring at them doing something kinky and I mean Err'body! Let's hear it!!! (please refrain from adding the part where you threw the shoe at them as you told them to get outa there)

  6. Wow! I wondered where that was going to go and I'll tell you this, I would have NEVER guessed it would have went the way it did, LOL!!! Thanks to all who participated in it.

    Btw, for the record, the main reason I close the door while on the brown missile drop center is because I reside with 3 of the NOSIEST cats and they could care less about the PoopaStank that's a-lingering, knowatimsayin?

    That'll lead me to my next thread......hee!

  7. No way!!! The best thing about being home alone is leaving the toilet door open!!! It's totally liberating!!!!

    Ooooh no Vanny, I have to disagree witchu on this one! The BEST thing being home alone as told by the great Chris Rock, is the freedom of doing the "Nobody-Ain't-Home" jerk!!! Not the "Someone-in-the-other-Room" jerk, no, that's a bad jerk!

  8. you are correct about the phone ringing. I have heard it many times, like its in another apartment or something.

            oh, NIck,  did you say something? i"m sorry. Oh well, it must not have been important. your shit never is

    Thanks dlar, I almost started trippin, thinkin I was cray-zay! I thought I was trippin once but I was just trippin!

    thg, I hear it every time, even when they're home and when they sleep! It's got to be the computer or something in the cam, I'm not sure but I am curious if anybody knows what causes that. Weird.

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