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Posts posted by mrmagoo

  1. Apologies for the late response to this statement, didn't see this when it was originally posted. How could I have possibly missed such a highly intelligent comment. Fuck you RLC, what right do you think you have protecting your copyright and then tricking fuckwits with hidden watermarks and banning them for copying (stealing) your property.

    This kind of capitalist behaviour is just the beginning, before you know it well be illegal to take things from stores and not pay for. And where the hell will that leave the poor black rioters, taking away their rights to loot.

    pmsl  now this reply i can understand , but still it doesnt answer the question as to how members manage to get themselves banned yet RLC blatantly state on the screen Video has an additional hidden watermark with user ID. Recording, distribution or publication are strictly prohibited, yet still they upload knowing them watermarks will get you in trouble . but seeing as i have a dodgy lifestyle i like to buck the system , i am one of the biggest uploaders of vids and pics on the other site i have uploaded 100s of vids and 1000s of images , and never been banned , all because i actually read the quote under the screen i was recording and did something about removing them ferkin watermarks and them pesky dots , firstly dont record the watermark in the bottom left of the screen , and before i upload to a sight i use frame crop on the vid using a frame by frame vid editing software ,baring in mind them dots only appear for less than a second every 10 secs or so , by removing the frames with the dots in and doesnt spoil the outcome of the vid , i can safely say ,fuk you RLC , so why cant others do the same ?
  2. P.S. I am happy to be a freeloader thank you! Sorry I'll never pay for RLC for starters way to much for the time I have to waste watching, and most of the time I see nothing cause of time difference . now if you don't want to share your videos or pics your choice. But don't bitch just cause someone ask if anyone has video or pic ......don't say anything or say can't help you, cause no one like a smart ass.

    THE REPLY I EXPECTED FROM A FREELOADER , but if you had spent a little time and see where the original post came from re uploading vids . you will see i explained why there are very few vids uploaded  (((((((((((((((((((((((( origanal post ----.

    Don't get me wrong, I know there are many people posting videos and I thank you all (tFighterPilot, et al). What's rather annoying are the people that post pictures of some action that's taken place in a bedroom or bathroom (non-free cams) including a detailed description, but never post the video. Some of the best videos, with the best views and the best lighting are in the rooms that are inaccessible to non-subscribers to RLC. So all I'm asking as that more people with access to those cams and the ability to capture video, share more often. If you look at the old archives, you'll see many more posted video links by many more people than we have now, so what happened?

    SIMPLE SOLUTION! buy membership and watch and record yourself , remove yourself from the freeloaders group and join the elite group of paying members who contribute , then you will understand why paying members tend to post pics instead of vids, Them slimey fuks at RLC ,use hidden watermarks to identify uploaders and then ban them , YES they visit this site to !

  3. Don't get me wrong, I know there are many people posting videos and I thank you all (tFighterPilot, et al). What's rather annoying are the people that post pictures of some action that's taken place in a bedroom or bathroom (non-free cams) including a detailed description, but never post the video. Some of the best videos, with the best views and the best lighting are in the rooms that are inaccessible to non-subscribers to RLC. So all I'm asking as that more people with access to those cams and the ability to capture video, share more often. If you look at the old archives, you'll see many more posted video links by many more people than we have now, so what happened?

    SIMPLE SOLUTION! buy membership and watch and record yourself , remove yourself from the freeloaders group and join the elite group of paying members who contribute , then you will understand why paying members tend to post pics instead of vids, Them slimey fuks at RLC ,use hidden watermarks to identify uploaders and then ban them , YES they visit this site to !
  4. All I was saying is that in RLC's current state of operation, VV has them whipped whether most of it is scripted or not.  Yes, the quality stream needs allot of attention and yes it is different I agree but I can't see how it's not better in the shape RLC is currently in.  Plus, don't think for one minute that there is not allot of scripting going on in most of the apartments in RLC.  Just my opinion!

    in total agreement with you , you only have to see the limited comments to the appartments on RLC .IE adriana/maya/katka .these are living the way RLC was originally formatted , yet its the appartments that  play to the cams that get all comments . so i think that RLC as gone the way of V.V.
  5. Can't help but be curious...

    How come iconcam only has one word... guest... under his username? 

    Why doesn't he/she have any other information... like stars... or number of posts... or number liked... etc. like the rest of us?

    Why doesn't the iconcam's username link to a profile?


    the question ,we should be asking is how come guest are allowed to make post , surely that defeats the object of this sites template , i strongly believe guest should only be allowed to read post and if they want to either reply or start a topic then they should sign up ,
  6. i guess this is how the original post looked like before he used google translate,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



    Лиора и Павел были ...

    «На: Сегодня на 02:19:32 AM»


    Что бы вы сделали, чтобы защитить ваше благополучие? Чтобы защитить себя от вредоносных атак? Чтобы иметь верх на определенных ситуациях? Я бы изучать противника, и это то, что я считаю,:

    Лиора и Павел были собрать разведданные от всех вас, Лиора пишет это вниз в своем дневнике, подробнее ... заметил, как их спальные поведения изменились ... все это уловка ... они учатся enemy..learning you..most вас поставили Леору на пьедестал, она может не делать ничего плохого, вы ослеплены, что происходит на самом деле из-за сильного связи с ней, чувства опеки к ей, привязанность к вашей приверженности на сумму вложенного времени (впустую) в их отношениях. вы чувствуете, как она обязана вам что-то .... вы не получите немедленного реагирования бы то ни было из них, никакого ответа на ваши разочарования, на ваш скулить, чтобы ваши запросы ... вы не ответили с гневом, ненавистью, завистью, jeaolousy ... те что больше всего ненавидите это те, которые вложили много времени наблюдая их и до сих пор не может понять их. Там нет ничего, чтобы выяснить. Они поняли вас, хотя, раз, когда вы находитесь в Интернете, времена, когда вы находитесь на работе, спальные привычки, женатые или одинокие, мужчина или женщина, пожилой возраст, инвалиды, карьера и так далее ... В одном случае плотник набросился, когда Вишневый леди прокомментировал его точного возраста ... якобы F210 подружился Лиора ВКонтакте затем разглагольствовал о Павла Человек ... тогда BJ (Лиора) ответили "не может утомительно писать то, что ты пишешь .. если вы думаете, что касается мне ..you'd ошибаться. :)и даже не собирается реагировать на вас .. плотник .. впервые .. просто чтобы посмотреть, уровень дерьма вы не превышен, как это было лето .. когда вы ушли после нескольких месяцев. .) не ожидают, что я буду отвечать на него .. Я никогда не буду доказывать дураков свое дерьмо, и это многое говорит о вашем уровне образования имеют хороший день;..) ", разбиты на то, что она пыталась сказать, это: Вы не получите надоело писать, что вы пишете ... если вы думаете, что я буду тронут этим ... вы ошибаетесь .... и я даже не буду отвечать на вас столяр ... впервые я вижу уровень дерьма, что вы превысили в ... как это сделал летом ... когда ты оставил после нескольких месяцев ... я не ожидал, что я отвечу к нему ... Мне не нужно ничего доказывать дураков ... Ты дерьмо, и это многое говорит о вашем уровне образования ... есть хороший ;)день. Она получила в пределе, где она придет здесь, чтобы защитить своего мужчину ... Павел намеренно делает то, что он делает, потому что он знает, это раздражает дерьмо из тех, которые ненавидят его ... он знает, что вы смотрите и там не черта Вы можете с этим поделать, кроме суки и скулить о ней. Они собираются в дальний конец комнаты, где они знают, они не могут быть услышаны, обеденным столом ... обновления, если вы ... Их заданы параметры читаются отсеять переводчиков. они используют эту информацию в своих интересах. Ваш слабость ваша неспособность держать его, держать в этой злости. моя вера, если она подружилась вас на ВКонтакте Он был для сбора информации.

    Они здесь не радовать любого из вас. Они не обязаны - и это слово -.  заниматься сексом, показать что-нибудь на любой из вас

    Лиора и Павел ветеранов этой игры. Они являются теми, играют тебя. Она выбирает, когда она хочет, чтобы выставить себя, а ​​не наоборот. Она имеет все вам ждать, как маленький щенок собак, ожидающих взял, ожидая, чтобы подаваться ... всегда ждут. Жалкие является тот, который ждет в течение нескольких часов времени, и для чего? Как stndcold бы поставить его "3 минуты" удовольствия ". Зачем ждать? Зачем ставить себя через столько страданий, зная, что результат будет, скорее всего, будет разочарование?

    Я нашел RLC случайно и хотели бы знать больше об этом. Я нашел это сайта и сестрой сайт. Я выбрал этот, потому что там было больше в глубину "знания об игроках. Каждый из вас есть любимая и, конечно, мой был Лиора. Она непредсказуемо, увлекательные и, как Пенный Т. Белка бы поставить его .... Богиня. Она женщина. Человек никогда не будет и никогда не может понять друг. Я сделал здесь. Совершено навсегда. Есть некоторые из вас, которые добросердечных здесь, но есть просто слишком много негатива здесь, и это приносит хорошие люди вниз. Я выбираю не тратить больше времени здесь с этой негативности. Я, однако, будет наслаждаться тем, что я могу из Леору и ее бойфренд повезло Пола. Как минут, проведенных впустую теперь стали лет ... нет возвращаясь ,this then would of lead us to understand where the sick fuk originated from . only a commie arsehole could dream up such a post to praise what  the majority of members have come to learn , yes leora is cute , but her outstanding quality is her dumbness which is on an equal par to that guy she lives with , so please in future before you go posting utter bollocks . please have respect for the members on this forum that actually follow the topic of this site ,

  7. and as expected ,negative post to a positive topic, sometimes i think certain members have a immature attitude and a unhealthy addiction to RLC , they need to realise that some people are natural exhibitionist and some are just natural, so instead of going through life finding something to be negative about .look for the positive things , of which there are plenty, to enjoy something you must enjoy it , and if theres any negativity ,then that mostly comes from your own innability to be positive , and that is where the problem lies ,not the fault of RLC ,The tennants on RLC are employees not puppets , they do what they want and not guided by strings in the hands of a puppetmaster

  8. please correct me if im wrong ,but in all the time watching that appartment from isabela/marcelo  veronica/lucas and now carla/mario i have never seen any of them use the bathroom to go to the tiolet .even in the night periods i have seen the tennants go to the room next to the front door ,presumably a toilet unless that door leads to the bathroom aswell , just cant understand why at night why would carla walk round to the door by the front door , if there was access through the en-suite to the toilet ???

  9. Carla and Mario do have a camera in the bathroom but it's just only directly at the shower and the vanity. If anyone did see anything it would have had to be from the camera in the bedroom looking towards the bathroom with the door open.

    But I think if something like that had happened the posts would have been flying off the wall as more than one set of eyes would have seen it.. Since it didn't and the poster was just a new person with one post. I'd say it was just speculation.  Or where I am from we call it shit disturbing.

        firstly the said occasion was supposed to of happened in the toilet 1st door on left looking through hall cam , and yes carla did go in there with tall guy and was seen to bend down and stay bent down for a few mins ,wether she was giving the guy a blow job ,thats anyones guess . and that is where all these rumours stemmed from on here and on RLCF, but seing as there was no photographic proof and there was no way of proving she actually blew the guy ,then maybe its a case of keeping an eye out at the next party ,there is some sort of strangeness ,in that appartment and would never rule it out , so guys at the next party make sure the recorders are at the ready
  10. Alina and Anton were only on Maintenance for less than day.  This apartment is entering into it's 4th day of Maintenance. I would imagine someone with an account to RLC would have e-Mailed support and voiced their concerns about such a long downtime but I have yet to see anything as to why this apartment is down and out.  I am hoping that they return in some way shape or form.

    Only time will tell.

    there are times when juviniles.ie younger brothers sisters etc visit there relatives/the tennants and due to the rule that RLC have about no underage people being seen on the cameras , this could mean maybe a younger relative is staying with carina and sabrina, you are probably saying to yourself right now "well RLC should notify us ,well how often are RLC forthcoming with info except after its happened, this could explain all the other under maintance that happens in the appartments for no reason . if anyone as a better idea ,i would like to hear it , but untill i hear a better option then i will accept my explanation as the reason behind the maintanance
  11. easy guy !!

    dont overreact and no exageration.

    Please end this fucking useless debate in memory of the 300 victims of this attack.

    i appologise for my previous quote as it was in bad taste . i am truly saddened by the news and my outburst was uncalled for , i will keep my thoughts for those that deserve it , tnx for correcting me
  12. Faites attention, toutes les photos sont volées et postées sur un autre forum !!

    Je suppose que je n'ai pas besoin de citer le nom... (real*ifeca*fan.com)

    Merci à ceux qui ne savent prendre eux-même des photos et font la gloire de leur forum avec tout ce que vous postez ici...

    J'en suis dégoûté...........je ne partagerai plu de photo, malgré le plaisir que j'y ai pris pendant tout ce temps...  :(

    Bravo pour leur mentalité...  :clap:

    Be careful, all photos are stolen and posted on another forum !!

    I guess I do not need to name ... (real*ifeca*fan.com)

    Thank you to those who can make their own photos and are the glory of their forum with everything you post here ...

    I am disgusted ........... I enjoyed sharing photo, notwithstanding the pleasure I took all this time ... :(

    Bravo for their mentality ...  :clap:

    for your imformation the above named site is part of the same site as this, owned by the same people , so its obvious the best pics will be shared between the sites . i notice there are pics on this site that came from the above named site , so it seems fair to share between the 2 sites as we are all part of the same family
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