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Everything posted by Sulzer

  1. With the music it was very hard to listen to the conversation but i am sure she said about Wolf still sleeping.
  2. I think Karma was just saying to Amalia and Mati that she spent a long time preparing and there is no atmosphere or anything yet.
  3. I find it boring, its more House than rave. I like Trance which has a melody to it. Which isnt for everyone of course.
  4. Meant to be in B4. Massimo was trying to invite friends but it seems he doesn't think they will come.
  5. I'd go with Seda too, he started by helping her with a drink in the middle of the night to help her sleep.
  6. She actually went to Sara this morning and sat on the bed with her, Massimo and Daytona. They talked about Sara's problems with Visa ect , sounds like she is concerned about it. Massimo was suggesting Student Visas for learning Spanish etc which could get her 6 months or more. Massimo was saying not to worry too much as there are solutions. I think I heard Karma say she would be upset if Sara had to leave. She talked very quiet.
  7. I'm guessing with relationships she could also mean friendships if it's similar in translation ?
  8. Don't even think Sara will convince Karma to do that, she tried it with the other guy she brought and it didn't really work out.
  9. Seemed normal to me like they always act with each other, they were both laid in bed texting and stopped at the same time last night, probably already sorted out what happened.
  10. Hi Wafer which day at 02:25 ? because she was sat on the sofa in B7 watching tv at that time tonight
  11. They actually seem to get on really well which i didn't expect so much.
  12. He could have behaved better to Karma instead of walking off and not explaining why he wanted to just go to bed. But i am sure they will talk about it, she will have to decide if its worth pursuing any further action if the let downs continue and move on.
  13. If she is experimenting then its all fair enough, but if she is after something more serious its probably not in RLC she will find it. But it has been done before with Holly and Thor.
  14. Was, she decided he isn't the one for her. Now will have to decide Wolf isn't either.
  15. Wolf went to bed without even speaking to Karma, he is mad with her for sure.
  16. Watch closely she gets the cup out of the cupboard and fills it with tap water from the laundry room.
  17. Yes Ilona it was, the girl in my Avatar Pic. They were married and have a child.
  18. She doesn't drink, she told Massimo like 3 times when he was going on about the Jager earlier.
  19. Watching all the time for Ney catching them, it will not go further unless they can cut the rope between Ney and Wolf.
  20. I think because the girls downstairs want to sleep and B7 is empty anyway.
  21. Good old Bodypainting makes a return, unfortunately its on a guy 😐
  22. I hope she told him to clean up his own semen stains off the couch next time. She is naturally polite so will always listen but he will never take the hint as he probably thinks been polite is an invertation to seduce.
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