I know what you mean but i think both Rebecca and Belle like Jasmin and by the Translation Rebecca wants her to stay and i bet Belle does too. They just need to get her to open up more she has already showed signs.
Like i said earlier she is off the scale of Hotness, I find her looks and body very interesting . Unfortunatly i don't understand what she says to find her interesting in any other way.
I did find it odd that Belle was in high spirit then Lara showed up and they didn't really do much except look at their phones ! Then all went out and Lara went back to B1. Very odd. I can only think Lara had been somewhere and just called in on the way back.
That's the problem DES we never had that sort of party before and because it happened a couple of times not every evening people are moaning that its not going to happen etc. Cant we just enjoy the girls and when they chose to party its a bonus.
Remember the girls are not here to perform they are here to live their life and for you to be able to watch, if they chose to be exhibitionists and do sexual acts then thats a bonus for us. Belle was sure happy to let us see her kitty this afternoon and there has been plenty of nudity and topless today. If you don't like what you see don't watch. Lola was much more into having parties where as the current cast are happy to watch tv....
You really missed nothing, right arm moving a couple of shakes and face pulling and she was done. She must have has a buildup of sexual tension and needed to release ! It was so quick i nearly missed seeing it