Yes it was awkward as hell to watch that wasn't it, im sure if there has been one with that new guy it was prob better, but we did not get to see that.
Her lips seem to be more pouting that they were, but her whole face looks thinner to me due to loosing weight. She looks so different to when she first stepped into B1.
Belle's lips look a bit too false when she has all the makeup on, but look like they naturally like that without, she may have had something done along with her nose but who knows. One thing for sure is she has lost weight, a lot more than i would have liked and BB would too.
I take it you don't get the fun we have on the forum, Some of us have favorite girls and we have claimed them on the forum, its just a bit of fun. Your taking things a little serious i think
I would say we are going to get someone totally new rather than an old favorite today, I know my Ilona is not coming and im guessing she has a BF now so would she be the same Ilona ? im not sure. There are a few possibilities of girls that could come back but ill stick with the guess of a new girl. Its not often the new girl gets the big room right away though.