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Posts posted by beckett

  1. 13 hours ago, jugghead said:

    Unfortunately, I was not in this community in the days of Leora interacting with this forum. Even less fortunately, I can only take word of mouth for proof which has led me astray far too often on the internet. No disrespect to anyone, and to no one in particular,  some people live to perpetuate a lie in some forums  just for shits and giggles while other people hang on their every word. From what I gather based on what I've seen and heard, Leora has stepped up her game in very small increments over the years. I know for sure her looking at the camera is a huge leap for her. It's like a woman looking in your eyes when she blows you. It's a connection thing and it shows her acknowledgement of our wishes, and that we are welcome. I stated out loud many times that I wished she looked at the cameras. She bridged a connection to her fans when she started doing that. That is proof enough that she wants to please us. But, I would love anyone to help me know how we can please her effectively as a community. I'm sure we'd all comply.

    My two cents.....

    Unfortunately I wasn't about either when Leora interacted with this forum and shame on those who drove her away. I don't get that much time to watch Leora due to other commitments, but I have seen enough to know that she has blossomed over the years from when I first saw her, and she does act on peoples requests from time to time for her enjoyment and ours, which from my perspective is one of the many things that keeps me returning to see her.

    Yes Leora may be a bit more restricted nowadays and has less time to herself but she still gives me (and probably herself) great pleasure when she does have a moment on her own,  and she will still take the time to tease us even when Paul is at home, we should be thankful for that.

    I believe people have to accept the current situation for what it is even though i respect their opinion and agree with what is said at times there is no point in getting angry or upset by it, it wont change anything, it may actually have an adverse effect that none of us want. We all have a choice to watch or stay away.

    We are all here because of Leora, and for her to continue to blossom and give us some more amazing moments and memories we should be respectful, supportive and kind to a beautiful woman who has chosen to share her life (and incredible body 🙂) with us while we have the chance, nothing lasts forever. 

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    Fair play to Leora for looking after her man, who wouldn't like to be spoiled now n again (and especially by Leora), but after another one of Paul's very busy days 😛 and evening nap....She still dutifully feeds him when he wakes and stumbles in the kitchen at 11:45pm.

    I know what my better half would say at that time of night, if i got up n said i was hungry 😛

    At least clear up after yourself n put your plate in the sink this time Paul, theres a good chap 😄

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