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Posts posted by English

  1. It is appalling .... some general knowledge ... get out of your virtual world for you .... My little nothing .... all those who speak French, are French?

    Returning to the real subject .... you tell me that you wrote to the support service. bravo

    you are brave ... .... this service does not satisfy you. Ok, why you continue to pay your subscription?

    To insult the tenants .... what spirit !!!!

    What spirit indeed.

    I do not insult tenants, merely express my view. Who said I have continued my subscription.

    Perhaps we should forget the Vieille Vieille Alliance between France and Scotland and set up a Nouveau Alliance between you and I to agree to disagree.

    BTW. Good beer and Chocolates from Belgium. Apologies for that mistake.

    I will attempt a translation, but, as you know we Brits think everyone should speak English and play Cricket.

    Quel esprit effet. Je ne pas insulter locataires, qu'exprimer mon point de vue. Qui a dit que je l'ai poursuivi mon abonnement. Nous devrions peut-être Oubliez la Vieille Vieille alliance entre la France et l'Ecosse et mis en place pour Nouveau Alliance Entre vous et moi d'être d'accord d'être en désaccord. BTW. Bonne bière et des chocolats en provenance de Belgique. Toutes mes excuses pour cette erreur.

  2. a psycho by definition has no empathy, relative to each other.

    Think my little guy.

    Even if the RLC pay for tens of thousands of dollars, an individual does not accept these obscenities.

    If you have problems to settle with RLC, be brave and write to the support service.

    your sadistic side, apparently does not bother you, the English police much to do ......

    A psycho! now who here is psycho!

    I have no problem with RLC except personally I do not think they give value for money. I have written to there support services with little result.

    Sir, there is nothing Sadistic in enjoying watching beautiful Ladies and I am beginning to think the Brits are far more, shall we say, open minded than this French Gentleman.

    Sadistic! Now The Marquis de Sade , he was Sadistic. French I believe, could be wrong.

    Anyway Sir, enjoy your viewing of RLC.

  3. It is really shameful on the part of some, you are worse than the torturers.

    Do you accept that tells the 1/100 th, on you?

    What is it you do? this is your frustration lack of K & k makes you so méchand?

    Damn, you go back and treat others as human.

    45 usd, do not allow you to treat people this way.

    shame on you

    C'est vraiment honteux de la part de quelques uns, vous êtes pire que des tortionnaires.

    Acceptez-vous qu'on raconte le 1/100 ième, sur vous?

    Qu'est ce qu'elle vous a fait? c'est votre frustration du manque de K&k qui vous rend si méchand?

    Putain, reprenez vous et traitez les autres comme des humains.

    Les 45 usd, ne vous permettent pas de traiter les gens de la sorte.

    honte à vous

    At the end of the day, and as has been pointed out to me, they are all entitled to their opinion and no one has to watch, nor pay, if they do not wish to.

    I see no shame in their views, in fact it is interesting to read the differing views including yours.

  4. A reply I received this morning from Reallifecam...............


    Thank you for contacting us.

    We are working to present more peoples/apartments on the site as soon as it possible. Stay tuned.

    Thank you.


    Support Team,


    09/07/2015 20:20 - XXXXX wrote:


    What a great pity to see Kamila & Kristy leave today, and even a greater pity you turned the cams off before they left.

    They were the reason I subscribed as they were the best of all the apartments, although, there are a couple of others I like.

    I hope you give them their own apartment soon.


  5. i agree mickey but i dont think there will ever be a friendship in this apartment like k and k had so pure and sincere with the cuddling and hugging and kissing they have created a bond that not even monica had with kami i never saw monica do half of the stuff kami has done with kristy or kristy have done with kami.ever.these too will remain best friends for awhile.plus they had the perfect chemistry.

    How very true. I have only been viewing for a month or so, even less on this BBS, and could not wait to watch there cams.

    They were so genuine and full of fun, take care girls, I miss you. http://camcaps.net/Smileys/default/cry.gif

  6. they might still have time the last time monica had left around 8am usa time i think kami left late the first time to i dont remember i knew she was all dressed up and had a couple of wine glasses with rita.i dont remember if she left at night or the day time but everytime the girls leave nora is never there to say goodbye thats sad knowing all the fun times they had together.

    Da to see them go, watching them pack, I had grown to like them.
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