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  1. Dog is already suffering seperation anxiety despite Linda being close by. This time actually offered a little cuddle, then dog ran off...
  2. Can't say I know anything about modern game playing. How does it work, when she's sitting, usually topless, sometimes all nude in front of the pc? Can the other players see her in all her glory, or are we the only lucky ones?
  3. Someone in that room is reading a lot of books. Can't imagine who. Definitely not Rowena. She only knows how to do three things, eat, sleep, and fucking. Plus sitting toplessly in front of her webcam.
  4. Rowena is setting new standards today as even she is wearing clothes all over in front of her webcam.
  5. Why doesn't everyone get naked? When visiting Rowena do as Rowena always does, which is not to have any clothes on...
  6. It's more than 24 hours to Tulsa now...
  7. And yet you keep coming back for more. I do too, but I would never call her boring.
  8. Bloody hell, Tibor. Must you look so bored with Linda lying topless next to you watching tv?
  9. Dantez should never have cut his hair....he looked too ordinary at the end. And Gyana should never have had that tattoo on her breasts...
  10. What does everyone think of Gyana's latest tats? I can just about put up with the art on her left arm, but if - I haven't really seen her in good light lately - she starts covering her boobs with more or less ugly symbols, then that is going to be a complete turn-off for me!
  11. She does go out some days, all day. Where to? Search me.
  12. Guess you missed the "more than one way" bit...
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