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Everything posted by Machevh

  1. IMO she is also very beautiful from a physical point of view, the fact that it is very natural is certainly not a flaw. Not doing porn in the sense of showing off in front of the cameras is clearly a plus. Indeed, in many respects she resembles Esma... with the big difference that Esma has never done practically anything interesting during her stays.
  2. I think it will be very difficult... but let's give her a little time, she's a genuine girl, I find her really very interesting
  3. and so the villa is back in the news after months of absolute hibernation... however there are still two empty beds and many moments in which no one can be seen...
  4. So N&B have decided to sleep directly on the wooden slats... at least if some accident happens it's easier to clean up
  5. this evening she kissed Sara.. she has already done more than Rachel
  6. the little wolf should also take care of Nadia a little.. this other boy is not skilled.. or he is too in awe of her beauty
  7. condom on now ... probably not only an HJ this time
  8. but she washed her hair and shaved her armpits at B1... ps. she has amazing nipples!
  9. or she just tasted a little to understand if it was still good or if it should be thrown away
  10. luckily there are some guests who have no problem showing off their charms... the view of Lia's asshole is becoming a morning constant now
  11. if she already have a job she should give up this one... it has great potential but basically she's never there
  12. Uly interrupted the anal scene at the crucial moment... she definitely wants to take over the anal queen crown
  13. on others but not on herself.. I don't remember ever seeing her with the bush
  14. I wouldn't really call it funny. it's true, they seem very complicit and joke... this is K's way of doing things, but then there are also serious moments. In any case, seeing them together cuddling, I wouldn't call it fun... but something else
  15. K&T's situation was different, they didn't know each other, they made friends in the villa and then what happened happened, but it was T who insistently looked for K until she gave in. In this case it should be the opposite, K should play the opposite role. I hope they aren't really close friends, because then nothing can happen! It's true, I'm generally not that kind of girl, but when K was drunk she was very uninhibited
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