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Posts posted by boredomi12

  1. 4 minutes ago, slider_69 said:

      So, in the picture comparison of her getting out of the bath, in one pic she is shaved and the other she is allowing her Honey Hair to grow.  Someone said it may be for a job or film part she is getting.  You don't think our little Kami is going to appear nude and show her Bush to the world , do you ?  That would be way out of character for her and go against the list of jobs she advertises she is willing to accept.  Maybe some other reason for not shaving , but can't guess what it would be ! 

    May be it was some wish thinking for me. Almost all young woman actress in Europe show that part these days, but most of the time with hairs.... Kami has been showing everything on RLC for a year or so, and may be she got a film job because some movie people saw her... I have no intel, so I can only guess. But the thing is I would like to see her in a film because I think she will be good at it. She catches the light  just by being on a screen, which is the basic requisite for a movie actor.

    She just came back tonight, very happy, so she was not away for the week end, my bad. The first thing she did was to get rid of her ugly make up. Good.

    At one point, RLC should find a way to make tenants able to communicate with us (not about sex, as there are other sites for that purpose). The can dedicate a facebook page or VK or else and open their space only to decent guys (like me of course...)

    • Upvote 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, mr1010 said:

    Boredomi,  she is young and everyone makes mistakes even when we are older. I think Kami is a very smart woman. But love and hormones fuck people's judgment up! Take it from me!

    I she reads us, we might help her understand the problem... and give her more confidence in herself. Come on, Kami, we all love you, you are the most charming, the most human, you are wonderful. Try to be a good actress, you attact the light just by yourself.

    It 's a pity I am not a filmmaker... But others will notice, I am sure. Eh, RLC guys, move your ass and find a nice part for Kami in the movie business !

    • Upvote 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    Boredom, Kamila is already very refined, quite well educated, and very intelligent young lady. Yesterday she was reading though an English language text book, and working extremely hard on the pronunciation of the words,she was having issues with.She actually is well accomplished and well traveled for a  young lady of 24yrs old. 

    I should have put the sound and not stayed on mute... All right then and thank you for your answer. But I still not understand why she has such bad taste when she goes out with friends, why she got this BF and the friends coming with. Something doesn't work there.

  4. 1 minute ago, Noldus said:

    I completely agree. Kami is the absolutely most beautiful girl in the RLC.
    Had I only been 25-30 years again :-)

    I fully agree with that. But what image of her does she want to give ? Sophiticated when she is doing some shooting, a bit common when she is going out with friends. Does she want to be kind with the other girls, not daring to play the natural beauty she is ? She should try to find better friends... She should meet Zoya, may be too much an artist and an intellectual for her...

    Is she lacking education and suffers from that ? I don't know her social background, if she studied something... She seems to be very kind and honest, pure in many ways. But yesterday, she was reading some sort of catalogue and her lips were moving, pronouncing each word she was reading, like  the people who are not used to read or read badly. It was seemingly to prepare a shooting. Was she training a part, or just stumbling on words ?

    Those here who have access to her social medias might get a answer. She is certainly not stupid, but may be a bit too ignorant and for that proned to suffer more than she deserves.

    Find better friends, Kami (Kristy is ok, of course) and study. You will find more of yourself in learning than watching you in the mirror. And then become more an more beautiful with the time.

    You are a very nice person.!



    • Upvote 2
  5. 8 hours ago, Noldus said:

    Must admit that I'm excited. Should have preferred that she stayed home with Kristy. With a possible new boyfriend in her hometown, it can become much absence ..

    Well, Kami left with a backpack of clothes, heavy make up and torn jeans, so she will be away at least for the night and possibly for the week end with friends to a party. This morning her make up was allright, this afternoon it was a bit too much, as always when she is going to parties. Sometimes she wants to be a classy girl, sometimes just the girl next door, which is a pity.

  6. So Kami went to a shooting, could be a video clip so we might see it one day. As said here she was absolutely overwelmed as something happened in her life she has been waiting for a long time.

    First of all, she had a very good make up which enhanced her face, even she doesn't really need it. I remember her make up when the three of them (Rita, Kristy and Kami) went out one night. They were trying to be attractive, but they were just a bit vulgar...

    So Kami is going up the social scale, and I am happy for her, she deserves the best, but she had to suffer. I do agree about the horrible posts some of us did here and I would not like to see her reading them. Why do that ? Is it so important to tell everybody that she has her period, so she can't have sex... (which is isn't true, some girls like that, even if it's at least inconfortable for the boy to get a red dick after...) ? No need to be mean with the girls. No need to try to be clever and invent everyday a manipulation, just to write something.

    RLC must be a way for Kami to get out the woods, get her to be known and make something in photo or filming. Nothing bad in it. We love her because she is beautiful, real, human and simple. Natural, let's say. And decent. This is why we love her.

    So let's be decent, boys !

  7. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

    I think that he was just joking guys,,this is one of the funniest things I've seen this week so far,,,it gave me the giggles,,I appreciate the creativity on this one,I'm really curious as to how long it took for you to think and come up with this fake documentation,I wish that I had time on my hands like you do or wish that I thought of this too :clap: :clap: :clap: :lmao: :lmao: :haha: :haha:

    Yes, it is a joke, it took me an hour and a half, with the laughing. Thank you for the comment.

    For Kami, a few days ago she had  great news and a long hug with Xisty, than she played a message on her phone. Some guy, in russian (I didn't understand), with a very official voice, informed her she got something. May be a shooting, a big one.

  8. Some of us are really convinced that everyting is staged on RLC. But they are far away from the truth : it is worst than they think. Hacking a « term of agreement » document issued by RLC, I here quote some part of it to show the extent of the manipulation.


    - 65 - As to have a constant flow of events in the different apartments and to respect their different time locations, it is requested by the tenants to perform their acting at the hours prescribed. RLC have the right to wake them up in the middle of the night to perform sex or other foul play if resquested.

    - 66 -The tenants must keep in mind that our main customers are living in the USA and in Canada, mainly on the East Coat (i.e New York, Montreal) and so it is useless to try to catch viewers in their morning local times for those of them located in Spain and in Russia.

    - 67 - The tenants are allowed to sleep during the day provided they stay awake late, not going to bed before 2 AM of their local time.

    - 68 - Nudity is not mandatory, but the heating system is regulated to keep a good 24 ° C in the appartment, so it will be more comfortable for the tenants to stay in underwear all the time.

    - 69 - Girls are requested to synchronise their periods with the girls living in the other appartments. RLC doesn't want girls to have their periods at the same time. RLC will notify them their monthly schedule and provide them the necessay hormonal treatments they need to do so.

    - 70 - Sex is not mandatory but when performed the orgasms must be real. RLC is not a porn site.

    - 71 - Pregnancy is not allowed and RLC will direct the pregnants girls to the nearest clinic for abortion. RLC insurance will provide for the cost.

    - 72 - Homosexuality is not allowed for boys but tenderness between girls warmly recommended.

    - 73 - RLC will make daily phone calls with the tenants to settle the daily programm.

    - 74 - The tenants have to spend the main part of their time on phone, computer and tablet to make people believe they have some friend and some life elsewhere.


    I got this document in Russian, I translated it in english. I am currently working on a french and italian version of it. I don't speak nor write any of those languages, so pardon my mistakes.

  9. The one thing I strongly disagree with is calling Kami sophisticated. What on earth makes her sophisticated? There's nothing about her that screams deep.

    Look how she is dressed when she goes out, compare with Danaya, look how she moves her hands, she laughs, she smiles, never anything harsh, nor brutal. She is certainly not an intellectual and she is more attracted by popular music than by Bach & co and needs certainly to learn a lot about culture, but there is in her something which makes us feel better and nicer. That's where the sophitiscation might be. You can also call that natural distinction.

  10. This relation between Kami and her BF is a bit strange. Kami is a sophisticated girl and this Coca and pizza boy seems too simple for her. Sometimes he looks like her pet, sometimes she takes care of him, sometimes she just ignored him. Does she want people think she can have a boy friend, because she is not really in. I don't think she is in love of him, she just pretends to be. She is more obviously in love with Kristy. Could it be that she tries to hide her lesbian side, ashamed of it and not socially well accepted.

    This boy is not a threat to you, Kristy, may be that's the message she is delivering. She took this boy because she is not attracted to him and can keep Kristy...

  11. She was crying yesterday and talking in italian to Curly. She is lost, don't know what to do and try desperately to make money with porn. She hopes to be able to come back to Italy but Curly told her she needs first to make some money because in Italy, "paese di merda", it won't be possible. She is conscious that she is doing some sort of prostitution work and doesn't like it at all. She had some normal work a year ago but spent everything. Curly explained her that she has some relationship problems and doesn't mingle well with others, doesn't share a lot.

    They speak italian with a northern accent, may be Milano.

  12. I don't know if someone mentioned it earlier, but I think (almost sure) that's the book Kami is reading at the moment:


    Interesting isn't it :)

    You are right, and if it is the book her BF offered her, it tells a lot, or some at least. Does he see her as a sexually frustrated girl ? Does he mean to say that he is tolerant toward sex ? Does he want to do some light sado-masochist things to her ? Anyway, this book is a very bad one and should be avoided.

  13. Today she called her mother after BF left

    You know Mom, I have to go to three different places and I'm still here, it makes me angry that I can not tell you when I'm leaving.

    Yesterday, the whole day I was at work. They filmed 2 video clips with me. I had hair and make up done.

    I told him (BF) that I bought a ticket for the trip to your birthday party.

    and he said: "And no one invited me?" I did not know what to say.

    Initially I thought that he could come and I could introduce him to everyone.

    But that's not what I mean. Where would he live?

    I didn't want to stay in a hotel, sending him alone to the hotel wouldn't be right.

    Today we were going to meet his mom but we had a fight and he left.

    Actually, I was not ready to meet his mother yet.

    If I come with him to your birthday, it will not be for long.

    Mom, he seriously wants to have a wedding, and then the children and I said I'm not ready.

    I told him that before we got married we should live together. And what after the wedding we will live separately, in separate apartments? It turns out that I discouraged him.

    You know he is afraid that I will leave him and this is why he wants as soon as possible to take me as his wife.

    He is committed and takes care of everything. If he didn't I would be with him.

    I have a place to live, I have everything I need.

    Today he asked me why I'm in a bad mood. I said that I want pizza. Then he said: Let's order the pizza. And I said we do not need to order anything. After we finished pizza I prepared tea, I put out cookies and told him to drink tea. He came, sat in silence, drinking tea and I see that he didn't take any cookies.

    I say: Take one. And he: Thank you I do not want it. He was silent, he got up went to the bedroom and I see that he got dressed. He said he was going to take care of some business.

    I said: Just go. He left and that was it.

    Apparently he got offended, that I regretted him piece of pizza.

    I took for myself two very small pieces. Almost all the pizza was for him and he sees that it is the last piece and instead ask if I do not want it, shamelessly looks at me and takes it. I do not know if it's because he is the only child and is not accustomed to sharing.

    I was very uncomfortable, and the problem was not that I was very hungry but the fact that he is not ready to share the last piece.

    I'm sorry that I told you all that.

    Good girl, she is fighting to stay independant. I still think he is the wrong guy for her. She needs a male version of Kristy : creative, funny and warm. More original anyway. The guy wants to put her in a house, close the door and give no key to her. Run away Kami !

  14. I am quite surprised by the behavior of these otherwise free east-european girls toward boys. They treated them as kings and the boys seem to be used to. To see Kami  with watery eyes telling her misfortunes with her BF to Kristy, it is unbelievable to me. I can't explain her attraction for him. He is not beautiful, not warm, not joyful, doesn't look very clever either. May be he is the son of a rich russian business guy... that the only rational explanation I can reach.

    Why these beautiful and charming girls, and often gifted, can stand boys like that, and I am thinking of Laura, Dasha, Zoya, Hector and Kami's BF ? Only Bodgan and Sasha seemed to respect their girls. Their is such a gap between the liberty those girls show in their behavior and their very reactionnary attitude toward boys. Please, girls, free you a bit more, you will be more interesting... first all to the boys. Who want to love the maid anymore ?

    Kami is lucky to have the reliable Kristy. I hope some russian speaking guy here will explain what's really going on, why Kami is fond of this dumb guy.

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