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henrik theis

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Everything posted by henrik theis

  1. But something must have happened between H and T. They didn't talk to each other when they left Lorraine. Just went to their rooms. And I think T have problem with finding all her stuff. So it could be a good idea to repack and check. Lets see where she sleeps to night.
  2. Yes and Bogdan as well. All male out. And Holly too
  3. lorraine is jealous now- thats why she whispers
  4. Its funny to see and especially hear Holly now they have the big boys as guests. She is a mad giggler, perhaps a bit shy or horny. I think her expectations are high!!😌 Its a long time ago I have heard H and T laugh so loud, and in a high tone
  5. And Holly knew what she was doing. What a nice laugh.
  6. Tweety alone in Hollys bed with Hollys dildo, while Holly talks to Thor in the neighbour house. It is directly connected to there house. An exciting future. Might be the "Garage"-way
  7. Holly left with Lorraine, but is not at Kylies place. Neither is Tweety. ?? And nobody have asked Luna!
  8. Tweety got her pillow back to her room, so ......
  9. Holly might be in a bad bad mood. Tweety tried to join her in the backyard. Came with her book, but went back to her room and found a handkerchiféf. And are now laying on the table next to the pool. And away from Holly.
  10. And great they are talking english. Lorraines dad is a doctor, so Lorraine is the housedoctor here, Tweety said. Listen and learn as we say in my country!
  11. Its funny: Tweety just called Holly by her really name! And I think Luna is from England. They talked about food, and she said that fish and chips is normal food in her country. Tweety talked about Bortch (red beet soup) and Holly about pirogs.
  12. Godt at H og T endelig har fået hver deres eget værelse!! Privatlivets fred!
  13. H og T kan ikke undvære hinanden. Nu er de i bad sammen. 🥰
  14. Det er et meget stille party. Har de intet at sige hinanden, og ingen der hjælper med beplantningen. ????
  15. Sidste gang Holly ordnede blomsterne og planterne, var det ikke lige før hun forlod stedet? Kan det være Bea som skal flytte ind?
  16. Big heavy black boots, thick pullovers, thick jackets - all for summer use! Hollys room is it the same room Vivian had before leaving. The pregnant room?? 🤑
  17. If Tweety is leaving, why does she move allm her clothes. The clothes she is packing could be her winterclothes. Summer is in in Barcelona! And I still think Holly and Tweety care a lot for each other, and Hollys role was to introduce her to the whole set up. She taught her in the early days how to bate, and how to use a dildo. She still borrows Hollys dildo.
  18. Hvad er der i vejen med Hollys tænder. Har hun gebis? Hun sprøjter noget på før hun sætter det fast i munden?
  19. Moldolloraine glor ud i luften, og venter på passivt at bagtale andre, mens plastikradiant leder efter cameravinkler til sin fisse. Akkompagneret af klonen C.
  20. Hold kæft hvor vi keder os. Holly og Tweetylidoo virker som om de virkelig er trætte af hinandens selskab. Spiser hver for sig, snakker ikke sammen ret meget. Holly virker meget sur! Øv
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