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henrik theis

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Everything posted by henrik theis

  1. If Tweety is leaving, why does she move allm her clothes. The clothes she is packing could be her winterclothes. Summer is in in Barcelona! And I still think Holly and Tweety care a lot for each other, and Hollys role was to introduce her to the whole set up. She taught her in the early days how to bate, and how to use a dildo. She still borrows Hollys dildo.
  2. Hvad er der i vejen med Hollys tænder. Har hun gebis? Hun sprøjter noget på før hun sætter det fast i munden?
  3. Moldolloraine glor ud i luften, og venter på passivt at bagtale andre, mens plastikradiant leder efter cameravinkler til sin fisse. Akkompagneret af klonen C.
  4. Hold kæft hvor vi keder os. Holly og Tweetylidoo virker som om de virkelig er trætte af hinandens selskab. Spiser hver for sig, snakker ikke sammen ret meget. Holly virker meget sur! Øv
  5. and T didn't say good night to H, and just left to day. So bad mood in between the two girls.
  6. she might have left - or bating at the balcony
  7. Where is rehabRadi? and why dont Daniel like to have Beatrice to the party - too sexy girl? Too much?
  8. Han kom under hendes kyndige behandling. Derfor er hun her ikke. Han kan ikke klare hende
  9. Og hvorfor er Beatrice ikke med til festen. Kan Daniel-boy ikke klare hende. Er hun for sexet??
  10. and tomorrow Holly will be sad again- having problems showing her care for tweety, As she tried when she fixed her paintings and made dinner to welcome her home. Funny she cant express feelings but being helpful and kind to all except Daniel
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