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  1. I mean I would like to chat while watching with others...about the actual situation. Not only sex scenes (could be funny too) but also what is happening. At the moment it is just, watching, clicking through the windows...annnnd it's done.
  2. Think it is also funny to chat while watching the cams...at least you have the chance to chat, or go offline (like in Facebook)
  3. Look like Maya is a lil drunk? Some drunk action tonight?... ???
  4. They went to bed and were phoned after a while...the door rang and ...it was shut off...
  5. Yeah...Poltergeist porn...here we come... :P
  6. I don't get it? Is power in russia for free? I always see the lights on, the TV is on, right now Anton is playing PC, but in the whole appartement the lights are on and the TV...
  7. The Night Vision in the bedroom are broken? Doesn't work. May RLC be so kind to fix that, just for Science reason ;D
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