Good question, I've not seen much of her at all, she has either been abducted by aliens, or (I'm guessing here), she has found a boyfriend, who, (understandably) does not want to be on camera, She has seldom been in the apartment the last week if not longer, oddly either nobody (on Camcaps) has noticed or they don't give a crap.
Best wishes...
FYI, I have the free cams, but looked like hubby nailed Linds about 23.30 (I think, give or take an hour,) last night, Fri, if you did not catch it, obviously i did not watched it, maybe he was naked on top of her for some other reason. :) All the best.
Makes me wonder if they have been fed? and given water etc :(
Here in the Uk we have places that look after cats and dogs if you are going away on vacation for example, also, my daughter has two cats and she paid a company to call into her house a couple of times a day to feed and check her two cats and spend time with them. Guess there is nothing like that in Italy?
It is shocking after last time, that Masha has trusted her so called friends to look after her animals.Time she found new homes for them.
Very true, give Taco his own apartment, errr, kennel? :) Maybe with the two pooches that are with Val and Jul, it will give a whole new meaning to the word dogging. :)
Presumably she does not want a manky muff. :) Also Ti-boor might go down on her and pass out, then she will be stuck with his dead weight on her. :) Yuck
Good to see is it Taco the pooch back in the apartment, no idea how long he has been there, was all alone when I happened to spot him on the free cam preview. (Sat 27th)