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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. Missed the opportunity. She went down and woke the dead.
  2. Massi will try to impress the other gals by doing Sara in front of them.
  3. She doesn't like the Stallion....Even though that would be a hell of a show.
  4. Let Karma and Amalia go at it. There's a free bed next doors.
  5. Poor Stallion is down doing arm curls in the FR. Working off some frustration.
  6. Chill. If we want to get "worked up" that's for us. I'm sure you have bigger issues in your life to worry about. My suggestion is to stay of of CC and RLC and watch NatGeoWild
  7. Midget's turn for a massage. Hope he gets a Happy Ending.
  8. Vette, if you translate RLC, it stands for Clickbait. That's the name of the game. Why do you insist on getting so worked up on it. This will probably end up with Mati fucking Amalia, while Karma bust out her Lovense and bate.
  9. The midget will be a year older by the time they finish this massage.
  10. I think they may have asked Sara if they could play with her Stallion. I think she's ok with it. Apparently he's railed her four time in the last 16 hrs.
  11. The went out of the hall on 3. Must be a terrace there as well.
  12. Probably the garage....then probably into Sara's room. The bed is all made up. Like ready for guest.
  13. The Stallion will have someone other than Sara tonight.
  14. Let's hope they don't light candles in Karma's room and fuck up the views.
  15. I don't think she's practicing. Just part time Bi. But I like it.
  16. Karma has really trimmed her "hedge row". Down to a pinstripe.
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