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Keen Observer

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Keen Observer last won the day on May 7 2023

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  1. His name is printed on the label. So, when he forgets, it's easier for him to look
  2. Karma and The Sloth, although not on XLIFE, can send you some of their worm briefs. Stocking Stuffers for Christmas. 😂
  3. It would be nice if the XLIFE site would indicate the "NEW" participants like the RLC site does.
  4. If her lips were wrapped around my cock, they wouldn't look so big. 😉
  5. It was. Probably got overloaded because it was Halftime at the NFL. 😉
  6. Wow, she's been there what 2-3 hours and you're making judgements already.
  7. Or like Leora's dog back at her previous location. There wasn't a throw pillow or stuffed animal that didn't get humped whenever Leora did her "thang".
  8. I think that's called Cross Brand Marketing....in this case it's people and not products.
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