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Posts posted by johnny0692

  1. 1 hour ago, thinga69 said:

    I've always said that Zaba could have brought any guy that she wanted either to the Villa or B1, she didn't do it because she didn't wanted. Just like the second time that she did bring a guy to B1 and during the warm ups she took him out. I bet that she only did it last night because she finally realized that she's there for something. 

    And please don't come to with the "but is hard to bring a guy in front of the cams" because I think that the one last night didn't even know about the cams.

    But after all it was a great hours of sex from Zaba with the guy. She showed a real talent for riding a cock.

    He knew about the cams cause when they got out the shower he asked her what is this place and said seriously the fucking cameras and gave the finger 


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