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JoeBitch last won the day on August 16 2022

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  1. mofo, there is nothing normal about you, you are on a porn chat
  2. I don’t care how much Katarina is gonna spread her ass…the bitch is a fucking joke and unwatchable
  3. Medusa is Leora 2.0…same shit different apartment
  4. Definitely a show but to pretend to be a cat 🙄….i mean I saw like 30 seconds and I was like this chick is fucking nuts
  5. Ok…she is fucking mentally challenged and needs to be certified and taken away
  6. I think I saw something from her, but this one, Hypatia, it’s definitely ridiculous with her clicks lol
  7. Hold on, didn’t Katarina bring a boyfriend and had a few bates. I still got the membership but lost complete interest and have no idea what’s going on
  8. So basically she hasn’t done anything since arriving 🤦‍♂️
  9. Get a hold of yourself, everything will be alright. Take a deep breath and take a break from porn
  10. I mean, RLC has no standards …they pick up whatever they can get
  11. Nope, I am barely here and only check replays…need to reconsider my priorities
  12. And it didn’t make the replay so that’s why I missed it
  13. I will be damned I had no idea…I don’t watch her cause she has a history of doing nothing lol
  14. She has never bated and will never do…almost as bad as her sister
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